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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 22, 2004 <br /> Councilmember Varner, Chairperson, Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> reported that this committee held a meeting this afternoon and it was a split decision of <br /> the Council and by a vote of President White it was a 3-2 vote to send this bill to the full <br /> Council with an unfavorable recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Varner, 1306 Clayton Drive, South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation <br /> for this bill. <br /> Councilmember Varner advised that Bill No. 32-04 has been the subject of discussion for <br /> about six months. During that six-month period since this bill has been introduced there <br /> have been considerations of administrative input, administration input, and public input. <br /> The bill has been modified, it has been streamlined that seems to be the popular word. <br /> This bill may well have some flaws but it comes here today as a model of what a number <br /> of other communities have done that has made their process better. Councilmember <br /> Varner stated that the Council meetings begin with a prayer, with a pledge and with a <br /> promise to help build a 21st Century City. Many of the things that have been <br /> accomplished in the nine years that he has been on he Council have gone a long way to <br /> building that 21st Century City. However, it is increasingly difficult to build that 21st <br /> Century City when we act with 20th Century access, accountability, and oversight <br /> standards. In fact it was 24 years ago in 1980, when the South Bend Council last visited <br /> these standards. Please remember the words access, accountability and oversight that is <br /> what Bill 32-04 is really all about. Bill 32-04 helps to provide access to information, <br /> access to which we hope is timely and must be clearly understood, and if not clearly <br /> understood it would provide a public platform where it can be explained publicly. We <br /> have been told that on a number of occasions that the statutes do not require professional <br /> service contracts to be bid. Bill 32-04 provides some oversight when there are some <br /> large dollar expenditures over$100,000 so that the public can look at what is involved. <br /> Bill 32-04 accomplishes these goals by requiring some type of reporting, it standardizes <br /> some reporting format such as the tracking sheet that is proposed and some scheduling <br /> and it adds some requirement of Council approval of expenditures exceeding$100,000 a <br /> year. There is in fact is no burden; however some might suggest that there is placed upon <br /> anyone who requests public dollars. If you request the dollars however, be prepared for <br /> some reasonable amount of public disclosure as part of the review and approval process. <br /> As the process now exists, we as Councilmember's are expected to appropriate nearly all <br /> of the funds in this case for 2005, $165,000,000.00 following a thirty to forty-five day <br /> budget hearing and review and from that point on we are expected to exercise no <br /> oversight over the expenditures. From that point on, the current process exists that the <br /> Mayor, the Board of Public Works and various non-elected members of boards, such as <br /> Century Center, Football Hall of Fame, Morris, Palais make spending decisions and <br /> spend public dollars, elect contracts, for all practical purpose no public oversight, yes <br /> they do advertise their meetings, yes these boards meet the letter of the law with the <br /> regard to public disclosure. The question is do they really meet the intent of the law. <br /> Such provisions as the 9:30 a.m. Monday morning Board of Public Works meeting is • <br /> certainly convenient for the Board, but is it convenient for the public? This is a brief <br /> summary of the intent of Bill 32-04, many folks have spent long hours compiling this, <br /> reviewing it, listening to the public and looking for ways to improve it and make it better. <br /> We have looked for standards in oversight in other communities and they exist. The <br /> questions before us tonight is can we really expect to build a 21st Century City when we <br /> utilize these 20th Century standards. Councilmember Varner stated that he would <br /> certainly be happy to answer any questions, and seeks favorable support of this bill. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents <br /> and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> Kareema Alamin, 1122 W. Jefferson, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in favor of this bill. <br /> Ms. Alamin stated that she has been reading about this bill for the past six months and <br /> that she is totally in favor of this bill. She believes that any procedure or process that <br /> empowers the Council as elected officials that act in a fiduciary capacity and represent <br /> the public that voted you into office should be supported. Ms. Alamin stated the <br /> reporting procedures that this bill is requesting are minimal compared to other reporting <br /> procedures from other municipalities. This bill is prudent and especially in the climate <br /> that we have in our country right now, when our elected officials are being brought into <br /> 11 <br />