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Health&Public Safety April 8,2013 <br /> 4:10 p.m. <br /> Committee Members Present: Karen White, Dr. Ferlic, Dr.Varner,Tim Scott <br /> Other Council Present: Henry Davis,Valerie Schey,Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic, Derek Dieter <br /> Others Present: Steven Cox, Randy Rompala,John Murphy, Scott Ford, Kathy Cekanski-Farrand <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 13-30—Public Hearing on Lease for Fire Station#5 and Training Facility <br /> Bill No.09-13—Chronic Property Regulations <br /> Two bills were scheduled for consideration before Karen White's Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> The first Bill No. 13-30,was one step in the process of securing funding for the proposed fire station#5 <br /> and new fire training facility. South Bend Fire Chief Steve Cox briefly described the new facilities before <br /> turning the presentation over to Randy Rompala, an attorney for Faegre, Baker, Daniels who outlined <br /> the bond lease back proposal. Essentially bonds issued by a building corporation would be used to <br /> finance construction. A 21 year lease-purchase would be entered into by the City which would repay <br /> the bonds with EMS fund dollars. <br /> David Varner asked if property taxes would back-up possible EMS fund shortfall. The answer was yes; <br /> but not foreseen given the revenue generated in the EMS fund. <br /> Derek Dieter wondered whether it would be more fiscally prudent to borrow less or at least pay bonds <br /> off earlier given the size of the EMS fund. The need for flexibility and reserves was given as an answer. <br /> Dieter also suggested going after"no pays" more aggressively. <br /> On a motion by Dr. Ferlic to forward favorably,seconded by Tim Scott and supported by all Bill No. 13- <br /> 30 received a favorable recommendation. <br /> The next item on the agenda Bill No.09-13, meant to develop regulations to deal with chronic problem <br /> properties has been authored primarily by Tim Scott who asked consideration be continued until the <br /> meeting of 5/13. Dr. Ferlic seconded the motion and all approved. <br /> Under miscellaneous Karen raised the issue of funding for corridor development. She asked for a review <br /> of how money was spent on corridor development in the past. What worked? Could "best practices" <br /> from South Bend's own experience and from others be emulated in the future? <br /> There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson White adjourned <br /> the meeting at 4:33 p.m. <br />