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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9,2004 <br /> promote and maintain the development of high density multifamily projects. "CB" Community <br /> Business provides a location for high volume, high intensity commercial uses. The site plan <br /> description is Parcel. I shows what is intended to be a financial institution with a drive-thru and <br /> ATM. Residential Bufferyards are provided to the north and west. Parcel II is a multifamily <br /> development. Developed open recreational space is required and shown per the ordinance. <br /> Variances may be sought for locating the developed recreational space in the required side yard. <br /> Also, Maple Road is a dedicated paper street. The petitioner has stated that either the portion of <br /> Maple Road that is on this site will be vacated or variances will be sought for setbacks prior to <br /> building permits being issued. Parcel III shows what is intended to be a retail and restaurant <br /> development. Bufferyards are provided to the south and west. A portion of this site was rezoned <br /> under the old City Ordinance to "C" Commercial, "0" Office, and "B"Residential for similar <br /> uses in 2003. this petition is adding one more property to the north. Portage Road is a major <br /> thoroughfare between the northern parts of the County and South Bend. It is only two lanes at <br /> this location. The petitioner is showing acceldecel lanes that will aid in ingress/egress. The staff <br /> does recommend a cross-access easement to the south in anticipation of future commercial <br /> growth. The site will be serviced by municipal water and sewer from South Bend. The <br /> comprehensive Plan states satellite commercial developments should be located along major <br /> thoroughfares. This site is in compliance with the comprehensive Plan. There is a large <br /> commercial development to the south of the petition area,which is separated by a single <br /> residential lot. There is residential zoning and uses to the north along Portage Road. This site is <br /> adjacent to an industrial park to the west. Commercial, office and multifamily are all desirable <br /> uses for the land. With the demand for these types of services increasing in this part of the <br /> City/county,the expansion of the commercially zoned areas will occur as well. This petition <br /> may have some negative impacts on the residential property values in the area. With the <br /> expansion of commercial areas expected, however, some residential land values may increase as <br /> the prospects of commercial development become more likely. As demand for commercial and <br /> residential services increase, it is responsible to allow the expansion of the zoning so long as it is <br /> done in an orderly fashion. It would be responsible, in this case, to provide a cross-access <br /> easement to the south in anticipation of future commercial growth, thereby reducing the need for <br /> motorists to pull back onto the highway in order to access adjacent commercial uses. It is the <br /> recommendation based on information available prior to the public hearing, that this petition be <br /> sent to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. In the staff's opinion,based on <br /> the zoning history of this site and its proximity to a large commercial center to the south, <br /> developing this site for the uses intended will provide residents in this part of the County with an <br /> expanded range of services. The staff recommends a cross-access easement to the south in <br /> anticipation of future commercial growth in the area. <br /> Mr. Mike Danch, Danch, Harper & Associates, 2422 Viridian Drive, Suite 201, South Bend, <br /> Indiana, made the presentation for this bill on behalf of Salah & Cynthia Hilal and Omar M. <br /> Abuhilal. <br /> Mr. Danch stated that the petitioner is requesting a rezoning for their properties in the 4000 block <br /> of Portage Road, South Bend, Indiana. This requested rezoning will allow for a multi-use <br /> development on our clients' property which would contain a financial use and multi-family <br /> dwelling units. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill,proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to <br /> this bill, Councilmember Varner made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br /> concerning this bill as substituted. Councilmember White seconded the motion which carried by <br /> a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> 6 <br />