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PUBLIC WORKS AND PROPERTY VACATION FEBRUARY 25, 2013 <br />5:01 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, David Varner, Valerie Schey, Gavin Ferlic <br />Other Council Members Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Derek Dieter <br />Others Present: Eric Horvath, Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand <br />Agenda: Update New Energy — Eric Horvath <br />Chairperson Oliver Davis called this meeting to hear a report from Erick Horvath, South Bend's Director of <br />Public Works. Mr. Horvath provided an update on the Calvert Street Groundwater issues. These rising <br />water table problems were caused by the closing of the Ethanol Plant. The plant used a tremendous <br />amount of water daily drawing down the water table. The basements of homes nearby were now seeing <br />water and molds. Eric walked the Council through a 6 page handout ( a copy is on file in the Office of the <br />City Clerk) outlining which homes were affected and how badly. Eric said starting one of the ethanol <br />water pumps provided immediate short term relief while a long -range plan was being developed. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Chairperson Oliver Davis <br />adjourned the meeting at 4:54 p.m. <br />Ily Su <br />uu r uavis, nairperson <br />Public Works nd Property Vacation Committee <br />