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PERSONNEL & FINANCE <br />February 25, 2013 <br />Committee Members Present: Valerie Schey, Karen White, Henry Davis <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic, Derek Dieter <br />Others Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Kareemah Fowler <br />Agenda: Bill No. 13 -17 — Approving Scrap /Metal Licenses for 2013 <br />Bill No. 07 -13 — Amending Salary Ordinance <br />Personnel & Finance Committee Vice - Chairperson Karen White conducted the review of the two <br />schedule bills in Chairperson Dr. David Varner's absence. <br />Kareemah Fowler who manages the Ordinance Violations Bureau in the Clerk's Office made the <br />presentation of Bill No. 13 -17. This bill requests the Council approve the renewal of scrap /metal <br />processing licenses annually issued by the City. Kareemah explained that 14 of the 16 applications had <br />passed muster and had qualified for approval. The two applicants who did not were given time to remedy <br />the shortcomings in their applications. Both Oliver Davis and Derek Dieter asked for further explanations <br />of why two applicants fell sort and what consequences; if any, were they subject to. Kareemah said they <br />were allowed to operate during the window they were allowed to remedy the problem but would be <br />shuttered if the violation was not corrected within the time allowed. <br />Ultimately Henry Davis moved for a favorable recommendation. Valerie Schey seconded and all affirmed. <br />Bill No. 07 -13 would amend the 2013 salary ordinance to increase the pay of 9 -1 -1 operator, and was <br />presented by the Mayor. The Mayor explained the increase requested was to bring 9 -1 -1 operators into <br />parity with the newly created 3 -1 -1 positions. He also requested a part-time position entitled Community <br />Outreach Director, operating out of his offices be funded. <br />Derek Dieter led a chorus of support from Councilmembers who called for 9 -1 -1 pay equity. Valerie <br />Schey and Henry Davis both asked for more information about the new Outreach position. Not satisfied, <br />Valerie moved to delete the Outreach position from the bill. Henry Davis seconded and the bill was so <br />amended by a vote of 2 -1, Karen White voting against. Valerie then moved the amended bill be <br />forwarded favorably. Henry seconded and all approved. <br />Under miscellaneous Henry Davis repeated an earlier request of Human Resources to provide a listing of <br />all city employees noting race, gender, and whether managerial or blue collar. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson Varner adjourned <br />the meeting at 4:02 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />e6— X62(- Z1,12, � <br />Karen White, Vice - Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance Committee <br />