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Information and Technology Committee <br />South Bend Common Council 2013 <br />The March 6, 2013 meeting of the Information and Technology Committee was called to order <br />by its Chairperson, 1" District Council Member Tim Scott, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Informal <br />Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Gavin Ferlic and Tim Scott; IT Director Keith <br />Crane, City Controller Mark Neal and Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand. <br />Council Member Scott noted that the topic for today was for an "IT Committee Kick - Off ". He <br />said that the Committee members include Dr. Varner who is the Vice - Chairperson, Council <br />Member Gavin Ferlic and Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. He noted that a quorum was not <br />present, and indicated that he would not be appointing a citizen member to the Committee at this <br />time. He also indicated that Dr. Varner was in earlier and stated that the Committee is "doing a <br />good job ". <br />Council Member Scott stressed that the Committee is aiming to help implement policies, <br />programs and procedures so that the City government is more paperless. He sees the need for <br />more training sessions overall, and especially on the Ipads and upcoming Apple TV. <br />Council Member Scott noted that Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. would like the Committee to <br />look into streamlining Committee and Common Council meetings live on the Internet. Updates <br />on the public access channel as well as from WHIT should also take place. <br />Council Member Gavin Ferlic suggested that a single source data base which highlights items <br />which are "unresolved" and items which are "resolved" might be helpful. <br />IT Director Keith Crane noted that the City is looking into a program called "SharePoint ". <br />[ "SharePoint' is shorthand to refer to one or more Microsoft SharePoint products or technologies. It provides collaborative sites to share <br />information with others, manage documents from start to finish, and publish reports to help everyone make better decisions. <br />Council Member Scott noted that Council Member Schey brought up pursuing ways of <br />improving ways for Council Members to brainstorm and share information. <br />Council Member Gavin Ferlic noted that often blogs are dominated by certain interests and that <br />the information does not always flow well; however overall it is a form of communication. He <br />also noted that with regard to payment on line for various City Utilities that currently a person <br />cannot make an automatic payment without having to log on each time, and that this may also be <br />worth pursuing. <br />IT Director Keith Crane noted that the City is looking into PayGov.Now which was budgeted for <br />this year. [ "PayGOV.US facilitates electronic payment for government and utility payments. The system allows for use of a credit card to <br />pay government or utility obligations! Payment can be taken for: taxes; utility bills; tuition; licenses; times and fees. It has a four - tiered system <br />allows a payment: Online; through an IVR; via our LIVE operators; or at the agencies counter " <br />