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SECTION 15010 <br />GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />PART 1: GENERAL <br />1.1 GENERAL <br />A. The work is subject to the requirements of the Request for Quote and associated <br />Specifications. These are hereby included by reference. The Contractor is directed to <br />examine all portions of the Bid Documents as they pertain to the Work and to include all <br />costs in Bid. <br />B. Provide all required labor, materials, equipment and Contractor services necessary for the <br />complete operational installation of equipment indicated herein and on the Drawings, <br />complete with all related services. Review all existing building conditions as they relate <br />to mechanical work and include costs in bid. Coordinate requirements with other Trades <br />as required. <br />C. All Work shall be performed by experienced personnel qualified to carry out the Work in <br />accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, local codes and as specified herein. <br />The Contractor shall provide appropriate qualifications and records of past experience for <br />personnel and subcontractors when requested by the Engineer for review and approval. <br />D. Responsibility for coordination with other trades is the responsibility of all trades. <br />1.2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS <br />A. The Drawings, together with these specifications, are an integral part of the Contract. <br />What is called for in one is as binding as if called for in both. In case of conflict, the <br />greater quantity or better quality is to prevail, subject to the approval of the Engineer. <br />B. Drawings are diagrammatic and generally indicative of the work. Piping and systems <br />shall follow arrangement as much as possible, however actual field conditions shall <br />dictate. Provide necessary modifications to meet field conditions and avoid conflict with <br />other trades. If resolution cannot be reached without compromising the design intent, <br />these conflicts shall be presented (in writing if requested) to the Engineer for resolution. <br />C. Mechanical and Electrical Drawings are not to be scaled for the purpose of equipment <br />installation. All measurements to be derived from shop drawings and coordinated with <br />field conditions. All measurements must be verified. The Contractor is responsible for <br />all work fitting into place in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner. <br />D. Arrange work for maximum clearance and accessibility to all work of this as well as other <br />trades and existing conditions. <br />E. Insufficient information or description of materials or labor which prevents the <br />acceptance of these plans and specifications as sufficient to complete the work must be <br />reported to the Engineer prior to submitting a bid. The Contractor’s bid will be construed <br />15010 - 1