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Browning Chapman, LLC <br />DRUG FREE WORKPLACE POLICY <br />Chapter 5 Page 20 of 477 © Safety Resources, Inc. 2016 <br />ALCOHOL TESTING LEVEL <br />The minimum requirement for a positive test result for alcohol will be a BAC of 0.04% w/vol., a level consistent with <br />Department of Transportation and the Commercial Driver’s License Guideline Requirements. <br /> <br />New drugs, preliminary cut off and confirmation levels may be modif ied periodically in order to parallel the Department <br />of Transportation and the Commercial Driver’s License guideline requirements. <br /> <br />NOTE: The CCS program does not follow the complete regulatory testing requirements of the DOT, only the general <br />guidelines. <br /> <br />CCS Program - APPENDIX B <br /> <br />INSTRUCTIONS FOR DILUTED SPECIMEN RETEST <br />A diluted specimen result will require a retest, and a second diluted result, without a medical reason; will result in the <br />same consequences as a positive test result. . The CCS database manager will report the dilute result to the employer’s <br />representative. The employee is to be provided with the below specific instructions on fluid intake prior to retesting, to <br />prevent another diluted specimen. <br /> <br />The collection for another test must be done the following morning of the workday after the employee /contractor has <br />been notified, unless there are reasonable circumstances communicated and approved by the database manager. The <br />database administrator may at its discretion reject the explanation. I f the employee or contractor disputes the decision <br />of the database manager the employee/contractor can contact the CCS office and the Substance Abuse Committee may <br />consider the matter further. <br /> <br />INSTRUCTIONS TO BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYER PRIOR TO RETESTING <br /> <br />1. Consume no fluids after 9:00 PM the night before collection. <br /> <br />2. Limit fluid intake to a minimum the day of collection. <br /> <br />3. Supervisor will advise the time and location of testing. <br /> <br />4. It is the employee’s responsibility to monitor their intake of fluids to prevent anot her dilute specimen. <br /> <br />If the employee has a medical condition that will cause a dilute specimen he will need to have his physician provide <br />medical information to the MRO for evaluation. His physician must provide this information in writing to the MRO for <br />evaluation at Midwest Toxicology Services Inc. The MRO will, after reviewing the information from the physician, issue a <br />final report to his employer. <br /> <br />Medical Review Officer FAX 317-262-2222 <br />Midwest Toxicology Services Inc. <br />603 E. Washington St, Suite 200 <br />Indianapolis, IN 46204