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PERSONNEL & FINANCE JUNE 17. 2008 <br />Committee Members Present: Councilmember Tom LaFountain, Chairperson, Councilmember <br />David Varner, Vice-Chairperson <br />Others Present: Councilmember Ann Puzzello, Councilmember Henry Davis, Councilmember <br />Karen L. White, Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, Catherine Fannello, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, John <br />Voorde <br />Councilmember Tom LaFountain, Chairperson, Personnel & Finance Committee called the <br />meeting to order at 5:35 p.m., and stated that the purpose of the meeting was t allow City <br />Controller Catherine Fanello the opportunity to make a presentation titled "Enhanced Budget <br />101." The focus of the presentation was to be on the municipal budgetary process changes <br />resulting from the passage of HEA 1001, the summary of the Umbaugh Report on the circuit <br />breaker impact on the City of South Bend. <br />A 35 slide power point presentation (copy attached) by C. Fanello made up the essence of the <br />presentation. Outlined were the main sources of revenue for the city and the expenditures by <br />type. Joining the controller to speak of possible contingency plans to deal with shrinking revenue <br />was the Mayor. He spoke to working with department heads to assure efficiency of operations in <br />2009. Longer term approached include asking the state legislature for additional funding options <br />such as the ability to impose a food & beverage tax or to raise the hotel-motel fax. Expanding the <br />tax base to increase overall assessed value as well as creating jobs subject of course to income <br />tax are seen as continuing long range efforts as well. <br />In a brief question and answer opportunity for the Council following the presentation several <br />Councilmember's asked questions. Councilmember Varner, in particular, asked for clarification of <br />funds available considering "circuit breaker." He also suggested exploring additional revenue <br />sources. Councilmember Karen White asked about possible use of the "rainy day fund." She also <br />urged exploration of new funding sources. Councilmember Tom LaFountain thanked the Mayor <br />and Controller for the presentation. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson Tom LaFountain, <br />adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. <br />Respe y S mitte <br />om aF tain, Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance Committee <br />