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Joint Meeting of the Utilities and Public Works and Property Vacation Committees <br /> August 2, 1999 <br /> Page 2 <br /> would be withdrawn at the August 4, 1999 1:30 p.m. BZA meeting. He agreed to send <br /> written confirmation to Council Member Sniadecki of this action. The Council Attorney <br /> explained to Mrs. Ehninger that the Council Rules only permit three (3) minutes under <br /> "Privilege of the Floor" for any matter not formally on the agenda. <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Ehninger noted that the City of South Bend requested to make soil borings <br /> on his property. When he and his wife went out of town,they returned to find that the City <br /> had placed survey stakes on his property. It was at this time that he stated that Mr. <br /> Rosenfeld advised him that he had the right to hire attorneys and appraisers. Mr. and Mrs. <br /> Ehninger then showed photographs of their property (copies attached). <br /> Mr. Rosenfeld noted that at the Water Works Board meeting on Tuesday,that each person <br /> would have a maximum of ten (10) minutes to address the Board. <br /> Mr. Milligan inquired whether the meeting was a hearing on condemnation of the <br /> Ehninger's property. He noted that no one in the township understands the legal notice and <br /> that it was not clear whether condemnation would be addressed. <br /> Council Member Ujdak noted the frustration of all parties. He stressed that the matter is <br /> currently pending before the Water Works Board, and that currently there is nothing <br /> formally before the Common Council. <br /> Mrs. Ehninger stated that Jon Hunt said that the property would not be taken by eminent <br /> domain. She said that the issue is one of location, and that the City of South Bend has <br /> other properties rather than hers and her husband's. <br /> Mr. Rosenfeld stated that the issue before the Water Works Board on Tuesday focuses on <br /> the elevated tank on the Ehninger property. He noted that the FAA has not approved other <br /> sites. Mr. Milligan noted that the City of South Bend does not have any documentation <br /> requesting an aeronautical study for any other location. Mr. Rosenfeld noted that the <br /> northwest part of the county is the location for an elevated water tank addressed in the <br /> Master Plan. Mr. Rosenfeld also noted that the Water Works Board would receive <br /> comments from the public but would not answer any questions addressed to them at <br /> Tuesday's hearing. <br /> Council Member Sniadecki noted that if the Common Council becomes involved that it will <br /> provide proper notice of the time and place for all concerned. He said that the Council <br /> Rules will be clear. However, at the present time, the Council through these joint <br /> committees was receiving information. Based on the discussions with the City Attorney, <br /> John Broden,the Council would have the ultimate authority. The Water Works Board has <br /> agreed to "go beyond their obligations" in this area. Council Member Sniadecki concluded <br /> that if the City is to error,it would error on the side of caution. <br /> The Council Attorney noted that this procedure appears to be similar to the action taken <br /> under the Parent Administration when considering whether to go forward with the then <br /> proposed Coveleski Stadium. It would be a process to coordinate actions between all <br /> agencies of the City Administration and the Common Council. Mr. Rosenfeld agreed with <br /> this analogy. <br />