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Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> September 1, 1999 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Discussion then took place with regard to a proposed four-year salary ordinance and the <br /> 2000 Council budget. <br /> Council Member King stated that he likes the concept of establishing four-year salaries now <br /> so that sitting Council Members would not set their own salaries. Council Members <br /> Aranowski and Ujdak agreed. <br /> Council Member Ujdak stated that setting a 3.5 % standard would set the wrong precedent <br /> since he personally is against an increase. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer noted that the current Council is composed of persons who have <br /> other jobs. She noted that the position should be one which attracts all persons including <br /> those where the Council salary is their only source of income. She asked that the Council <br /> consider this concept since she is concerned about narrowing the parameters for who <br /> serves on the Council. <br /> Council Member King agreed with Council Member Pfeifer noting that when a Council <br /> Member is in meetings,he or she is unable to bill others. <br /> After further discussion, the Committee suggested that the Council President prepare a <br /> four-year salary ordinance reflecting 1.75 % increases which would then be published so <br /> that the Council could have public hearing at its October 11th meeting. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer also voiced concern about the meeting expense line-item noting <br /> that the two(2) loitering conferences were jointly sponsored by the City and IUSB with the <br /> police department and the Council sharing expenses. Based on that experience the amount <br /> proposed is not sufficient. <br /> Council Member Varner agreed with Council Member Pfeifer that there should be more <br /> involvement by the Council in proactive activities. He suggested that the Council needs to <br /> be better informed and should have additional support staff. He voiced concern regarding <br /> the lack of separation between the administrative and legislative branches which he has <br /> witnessed as a resident of the community for many years and as a Council Member. He <br /> suggested that neutral opinions on issues are necessary and that under past City Attorneys <br /> was not provided complete information on specific topics. <br /> Council Member Ujdak voiced concern that several of the items in his memo to the Council <br /> President have not been addressed such as encumbering funds not used the current year <br /> from the "additional legal services" line-item". He noted that the City will meet with the <br /> Fire Union next year and must have adequate funding in its budget to cover those <br /> expenses. Cathy Roemer noted that those funds could be reappropriated. <br /> Council Member King asked for a definition of"staff support". He agreed with Council <br /> Member Varner that the Council needs to be well-informed on all issues coming before it. <br /> The Council Attorney noted that in 1986 she was selected by Mayor Parent to sit on the 4- <br /> person City Negotiating Team to negotiate with the Teamsters, Fire and Police Unions. <br /> Her fees were paid out of the Controller's budget since it was a joint <br /> Administration/Council project. Prior to 1986,the Board of Public Safety would negotiate <br />