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C.reawwd9 ad Soosemc Devekopmcot Committee <br /> Poroonr 9. 194 <br /> Pier a <br /> 128,129,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,142,143,145,146,147, <br /> 148,& 250. <br /> Nancy Van Scoyk reviewed the February 4, 1998 Community titionr meets the qualifications Development ent <br /> The <br /> report <br /> concluded that the p <br /> attached).. � <br /> report(copy ) nt. <br /> me <br /> a five-year res idential tax abate <br /> Y <br /> Mr.Bill McCarthy,of Rojo Development,Inc.the south side presentation. <br /> f the City. 41 familieeCOtuld <br /> the development is Hermitage South Estates <br /> abatement is approved. The homes would be between 1,250 <br /> abatement <br /> if the aba P <br /> qualify for p to 150,000. <br /> q in value from$ 110,000 t $ <br /> square feet ranging <br /> and 1,800 q <br /> it <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Broden made a motion, seconded by Council <br /> III <br /> Member Pfeifer,that Bill No. 98-21 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br /> passed. <br /> Under miscellaneous business,the Council Attorney noted that BL Builders filed b timer <br /> U Subdivision n Forest Subchv s <br /> 2, 1998 on the Emerson letter dated February attached). <br /> Copies of the letter were distributed to the Council Members(copy <br /> Council a intment to the Redevelopment <br /> Commission, <br /> Eugenia Schwartz, Esquire, a Coun appointment requested copies of f me <br /> e tin notices <br /> of th <br /> e Communit <br /> and d Economic Development <br /> lopment <br /> Co mmittee so that s he co uld attend thos e wh ich did not con hct with her schedule. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee,ee th e meeting J <br /> g was adjourned <br /> at 5:40 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Roland Kelly,Chairperson <br /> Community and Economic Development Committee <br /> Attachments <br /> • <br />