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HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF SOUTH BEND AND ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />Phone: 574/235.9371 Fax: 574/235.9021 Email: <br />  <br />  <br />STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br /> <br />Date: December 12, 2022 <br />Application Number: 2022-1121 <br />Property Location: 629 Portage Avenue (502 Lindsey) <br />Architectural Style/Date/Architect or Builder: Gable-T / 1884 <br />Property Owner: GERENCSER MICHAEL D & LINDA L <br />Landmark or District Designation: Chapin Park Local Historic District, <br />Chapin Park National Register District <br />Rating: Non-Contributing <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE/ SITE: Altered/added-on-to one-and-a-half story Gable-T structure with alu- <br />minum siding on a brick foundation. Major ‘rear’ alteration/addition constructed in 1973. Asphalt shingled gabled <br />roof with chimney, antennae and gutters. Mix of one-over-one double hung windows on the older structure with <br />later sliders and casements on the rear addition. <br />ALTERATIONS: Major ‘rear’ alteration/addition constructed sometime between 1972 and 1976. <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: “This addition (502 Lindsey) to the 629 Portage Ave. building was done in 1973 by for- <br />mer owner Lois Seago. The crank mechanisms to the windows are broken and damaged. I have tried to make re- <br />pairs but I have been able to find parts. I don’t think those parts are made now. The wood sash is dry rotted and <br />damaged and the seals are bad. That is why I want to replace the windows. The windows to be replaced are the 2 <br />in the living room and 1 in the bathroom. I have pictures + brochure of new windows.” <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant has requested approval to: <br />Replace three windows, two facing Lindsey Street (side), and one facing the alley (rear)The proposed re- <br />placement windows are Aspect Vinyl Windows from ProVia, their “mid-range” window. The proposed win- <br />dows are ‘sliders’, two of which will be replacing casement windows. <br />The large two-story addition at the rear of this Non-Contributing rated structure was added in 1973. The windows <br />on this addition include sliders, fixed-in-place, casements, and smaller double-hung windows. The one-over-one <br />windows on the ‘original’ house (on the Portage and Lindsey facades) are not original, and appear to be two-lock <br />vinyl windows. <br />STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: Chapin Park <br />II. EXISTING STRUCTURES <br />C. Windows and Doors <br />Window and door frames are in most cases wood and vary depending upon the style of the home. Many are double-hung windows <br />with wood trim and sills. Brick structures have stone sills and brick lintels. In some cases where aluminum siding has been applied, <br />the window and door trim has been covered. About half of the structures in the district have aluminum storm windows; the other <br />half have wood storm windows. <br />Required <br />Original windows and doors shall be retained including sashes, lintels, sills, shutters, decorative glass, pediments, hoods and <br />hardware. When deteriorated beyond repair, they shall be replaced with units and trim resembling the original. <br />Recommended <br />Wood storm windows and doors painted or finished to match the original should be used but should not damage existing frames. If <br />new sashes or doors are installed, the existing or original materials, design and hardware should be used. When metal storm doors