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Council Rules Committee <br /> January 22,2013 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Council Member Tim Scott suggested looking into setting up an electronic calendar. He noted that <br /> under the topic "ordinances under consideration" on the City website, that there is nothing there, and <br /> suggested that this be looked into; and that he plans to work with the City Clerk's Office. <br /> Council Member White highlighted one of the recommended Action Steps summarized on the Agenda <br /> where the Council Officers have suggested that they have the meeting to meet with the Mayor on the <br /> Wednesday prior to the Monday Council Meeting. She stressed that all Council Members have the <br /> opportunity to contact the Mayor, and that the proposed officers meeting with the Mayor, would be in <br /> addition to individual contacts. <br /> Dr. Varner suggested that perhaps Matt Skira could be the contact person for contacting the Mayor by <br /> the individual Council Members. <br /> The Council Attorney added that she has met with the Interim City Attorney prior to Council Meetings <br /> to discuss any areas of concern. She plans to continue that practice since it has proven to be beneficial. <br /> Council Member White continued discussion of the recommended Action Steps focusing on the <br /> suggestion that all Chairpersons of Standing Committees hold their organizational committee meetings <br /> no later than Friday, February 15, 2013, so that each committee establishes goals and objectives for <br /> this year, and then share those with the entire Council. <br /> After discussion, it was suggested that when a Committee Chair has determined to call a meeting of <br /> his/her Committee that contacts should be made to City Clerk John Voorde, Chief Deputy City Clerk <br /> Mary Beth Wisniewski, Deputy City Clerk Janice Talboom, and Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- <br /> Farrand; and that if the Committee is to meet on an off-Monday Council date, that the "Standing <br /> Committee Request Protocol Form" must be completed. In light of the Open Door Law, the use of the <br /> form would be beneficial. Information and Technology Committee Chairperson Tim Scott stated that <br /> he would work to have that form available on line, so that it could be completed on line by each <br /> Committee Chair, and then sent to the Clerk's Office and Council Attorney. <br /> Council Vice-President Oliver Davis voiced concern about what appears to be a "gag order" from the <br /> Administration with regard to whether department heads and other Administrators are allowed to talk <br /> with Council Members. He cited examples which occurred during last year's budget discussions, <br /> where individuals were allegedly reprimanded for answering Council questions which may have <br /> resulted in additional dollar requests from the Council for specific projects and/or positions. Other <br /> examples given were during the Walmart gun issue arose where the Legal Department called the <br /> Building Commissioner advising him not to talk to him. Attorneys in Legal were also advised not to <br /> talk to him. He stated that he is concerned about what appears to be a pattern. More recently, he <br /> requested assistance from Legal on a public works matter, and again he received no assistance. <br /> Council Member Davis stated that the Council has oversight responsibilities and that such <br /> actions/inactions by the Administration have not been helpful. <br /> City Controller Mark Neal noted that the overall goal is to have good communication. With regard to <br /> budget issues,he feels strongly that there should be dialogue,however if the Administration has <br />