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1' r <br /> noted that the plan would be in effect from 1994 through <br /> 1998. It was also noted that twenty-one (21) individuals <br /> are enployed either in the Zone or outside of the Zone. <br /> Following further discussion, Council Member Slavinskas made <br /> a motion, seconded by Council Member Duda that Resolution <br /> Nos. 93-76 and 93-75 be recommended favorably to Council. <br /> The motion passed. It was also noted that these Resolutions <br /> would be taken in reverse order at the regular Common <br /> Council Meeting. <br /> Mr. Jon Hunt and Beth Leonard then presented information <br /> with regard to the Community Development Block Grant <br /> proposals for 1994 (copy attached) . Publications will take <br /> place in the South Bend Tribune on October 2nd and the Penny <br /> Saver on October 4th. A Public Hearing will take place on <br /> October 14th with public comments being requested through <br /> October 22nd. Appropriation and authorization to submit <br /> will take place before the Council in the month of November. <br /> Council President Luecke noted that the applications <br /> themselves are available in the City Clerk's Office. He <br /> requested that a summary be provided of each activity. It <br /> was noted that the activities description will be available <br /> by next Monday. It was also noted that the emphesis is on a <br /> "neighborhood focus" and that each public agency who had <br /> previously received monies has been met with personally by a <br /> staff member. <br /> Council Member Puzzello congratulated Mr. Jon Hunt on <br /> receiving an award at the IACT Convention held last week in <br /> Evansville. <br /> There being no further business to come before the <br /> Committee, the meeting was ajourned at 5: 00 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Roland Kelly, <br /> Chairperson <br /> Human Resources and Economic Development Committee <br /> attachments <br />