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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br />DAWN M. 10 -NES CITY CLERK <br />Public Works & Vacation Committee April 25, 2022 4:31 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Sheila Niezgodski, Lori Hamann, Karen White, <br />Carl Littrell, Jason Piontek <br />Committee Members Absent: None <br />Other Council Present: Canneth Lee, Sharon L. McBride, Troy Warner, <br />Eli Wax, Henry Davis Jr., Rachel Tomas Morgan <br />Other Council Absent: <br />Others Present: Dawn Jones <br />Presenters: Regina Williams, Thelma Williams <br />Agenda: Bill No. 12-22- Alley Vacation for FNWNA Development <br />Full audio dialogue of the meeting is available upon request from the City Clerk's Office. <br />Committee Chair Sheila Niezgodski called to order the Public Works & Vacation meeting at <br />4:31 p.m. <br />Clerk Jones responds with roll call of five (5) present. <br />Bill No. 12-22 <br />Committee Chair Sheila Niezgodski states, there is a quorum present. Requests for presenter for <br />Bill No. 121222 Alley Vacation. <br />Regina Williams Preston, 838 N. Elmer, Thelma Williams 1748 N. Olive St. Preston states, we <br />are member of the Far Northwest Neighborhood Association. We are requesting vacating the alley <br />north south between Keller and Marquette. On the northwest side of town, the 1700 block, we <br />own four (4) lots facing Meade St. and we are looking to develop those into affordable housing. <br />We have based on different site plans, our goal is that we will be able to enter through the alley. <br />One of the big concerns for our neighborhood, seniors specifically, entering in the back typically <br />cause two major problems. One is safety. Two is the in the wintertime, it is hard to enter due to <br />the snow. There was also a discussion about the possibility of doing curb cuts. I know per zoning, <br />we were going back and forth early on about what the site plan would look like. That was another <br />option. If we were able to do curb cuts, we could prevent having to go through the back and we <br />EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br />455 County -City Building'i227W. Jefferson Bvid South Bend, indiana46601 ip 574.235.9221 if574.235.9173.TTD574.235.5567'. <br />