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• CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br />Council Member Eli Wax asks if St. Joe County is contributing. <br />City Human Rights Representative responds that the county contributes thirty -thousand dollars <br />($30,000.00) a year based on the amount of county cases. Interlocal agreement is indefinite. The <br />amount can be renegotiated but not a need for more today. Interlocal Agreement does not have to <br />be changed. We are a service provider to the county. The county is not a part of the commission. <br />Committee Chair White anyone in the public wishing to speak in favor of Bill No. 14-22. <br />Clerk Jones no one is looking to speak in favor or opposition of Bill No. 14-22. <br />Committee Chair White entertains a motion for the Bill No. 14-22. <br />Committee Member Niezgodski responds with a motion to move Bill No. 14-22 to the <br />Committee of the Whole with a favorable recommendation. <br />Committee Member Lee, Seconded. <br />Committee Chair White states Bill No. 14-22 has been moved and seconded to send resolution <br />amendment to the full Council, Committee of the Whole with a favorable recommendation. <br />Requests Clerk Jones roll call. <br />Clerk Jones responds with four (4) ayes. <br />Committee Chair White states, Bill No. 14-22 will be sent to the Committee of the Whole with a <br />favorable recommendation. <br />Adjourned <br />Respect 11 Submitted, <br />l.•u�n it <br />Kare White, Committee Chair <br />EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br />455County-CityBuilding 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend, Indiana 466011, p 574.235.9221! f574.235.9173 TTDS74.235.5567. ww� <br />