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REGULAR MEETING March 14, 2022 <br />Mary Bundy, 318 S. Francis Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that the CPRB is a process of <br />reviewing police conduct and allowing former officers to be a part of that could be a conflict of <br />interest. The optics undermine public trust. <br />Jorden Giger, 424 S. Michigan St. Unit 660, South Bend, Indiana, asked what demographic data <br />would be released and if it could be released earlier during the first (I") round. He asked why the <br />process for questioning is not open to the Full Council. <br />Katheryn Redding, 418 Lamonte Terrace, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in opposition to Substitute <br />Bill No. 22-13 because ex -police officers are expediting the CPRB. Police can investigate <br />themselves and find they've done nothing wrong. <br />Councilmember Troy Warner stated that the demographics collected will be gender, race, and zip <br />code. A larger group of Councilmembers cannot have a closed -door session, so it was limited to <br />four (4) individuals. <br />Attorney Bob Palmer added that there would be an initial cut of the applications down from <br />approximately one hundred (100). It would be unwieldy to have a public meeting to discuss them <br />before the second (2nd) round. <br />Councilmember Troy Warner stated there is mention of there being no officers in the ordinance. <br />Councilmember Eli Wax stated that when the CPRB ordinance was passed in 2020, he did not <br />believe it was the most effective means to handle complaints against officers, and he maintains <br />that to this day. However, since the ordinance has been passed, it is Council's job to work to <br />make it as effective as possible, and there must be trust on all sides. <br />Councilmember Canneth Lee stated transparency and accountability do not have to be divisive. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis Jr. asked if this process happening is legal. <br />Attorney Bob Palmer responded affirmatively. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis Jr. stated that the lack of trust in this process has a lot to do with <br />the lack of trust in law enforcement. Some people have participated in law enforcement within <br />the process, including President Sharon L. McBride and Councilmember Troy Warner. <br />President Sharon L. McBride clarified that she is not law enforcement. She is in community <br />corrections to assist people with rehabilitation. She thanked everyone who spoke at the meeting. <br />There has been no deviation from the original ordinance. <br />Councilmember Karen L. White stated that this resolution helps carry out the original ordinance. <br />The public needs to have input and a clear understanding of the process. <br />Councilmember Rachel Tomas Morgan stated that due to the rush to pass the CPRB ordinance in <br />2020, there were no details included on the process, which caused a lot of confusion. This is an <br />important step forward. <br />Councilmember Troy Warner stated that without a structured and detailed process, the CPRB <br />would never move forward. <br />Councilmember Rachel Tomas Morgan made a motion to call for passage of Substitute Bill No. <br />22-13. Councilmember Canneth Lee seconded the motion, which carried by a voice vote of eight <br />(8) ayes. <br />Vice President Sheila Niezgodski stated that Substitute Bill No. 22-13 has passed. <br />BILLS ON FIRST READING <br />BILL NO. <br />10-22 FIRST READING ON AN ORDINANCE. OF <br />THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, TO VACA"hE THE <br />FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: A 12 <br />6 <br />