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1. 628 Park Avenue_COA 2022-0223
Historic Preservation
1. 628 Park Avenue_COA 2022-0223
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/21/2022 12:47:37 PM
Creation date
3/16/2022 1:04:59 PM
South Bend HPC
HPC Street Address
628 Park Avenue
HPC Document Type
HPC Local Historic District
ix. Chapin Park
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Financial Consideration <br /> <br />The total estimated cost for the aforementioned abatement is $13,234.38. Fifty percent (50%) of the bid is due prior to the start of <br />the project, with the remainder due upon completion. If no payment is received within 60 days of completion, Greentree reserves the <br />right to place a lien against the property. An interest rate of 1.75 % will be added to the monthly balance for balances unpaid after the <br />initial 60 days until payment is received, unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon by both parties. Greentree Construction <br />Services is fully licensed and bonded in the State of Indiana. <br /> <br />The job site will be “Left as Found” with all clean up completed as part of the contract. Any damages caused by any Greentree <br />employee or authorized agents of Greentree during said remediation process will be the sole responsibility of Greentree or its Insured. <br />Greentree reserves the right to request an independent evaluation to determine Greentree’s potential negligence. Greentree limits its <br />liability to the costs of the project. Greentree offers no other guarantees or warranties other than stated herein. <br /> <br />Warranties expressed are a full one (1) year labor warranty. Exclusions include any additional plan review fee that may be charged not <br />to exceed the charge for related services published in the current National Construction Estimator Guide. <br /> <br />As this is a matter of public health Greentree will honor its warranty within the terms of this agreement and upon property transfer, <br />with written notice to Greentree Construction Services, 5287 Central Avenue, Portage, Indiana, 46368. Greentree should receiv e this <br />notice within 30 days of said transfer. Warranty transfer is subject to prior inspection. Copies of said inspection reports must be <br />included with this notice or the dates when Greentree performed the reinspection. <br /> <br />I/we as sellers/buyers/agents of the above-named property do hereby authorize Greentree Environmental Services, Inc. to begin <br />abatement work at the above-named property as outlined in the scope of work. The dates for the proposed work shall be determined <br />upon acceptance of this bid. This installation shall be governed by the terms of this agreement as well as any and all State and Federal <br />protocols and/or requirements. By our signatures we also agree to these terms and conditions and will submit a deposit in the amount <br />of $6,617.19, with the remainder due upon completion. Any changes must be done in writing to both parties. This agreement nullifies <br />any other written or verbal agreements. <br /> <br />Please sign and return upon your acceptance. <br /> <br /> <br />John R. Casey Authorized Representative <br />President
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