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OFFICE OF THE CIT Y CLERK <br />PERSONNEL & FINANCE <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Committee Members Absent: <br />Other Council Present: <br />Other Council Absent: <br />Others Present: <br />Presenters: <br />Agenda: <br />D AWN M . J ONES, CITY CLERK <br />JANUARY 24, 2022 3 :30 P.M . <br />Sheila Niezgodski , Eli Wax, Rachel Tomas <br />Morgan, Troy Warner <br />Henry Davis Jr. <br />Sharon L. McBride, Lori K. Hamann, Canneth Lee, Karen <br />L. White <br />None <br />Dawn Jones , Bianca Tirado , Rachael Coates, E li vet Navarro , <br />Bob Palmer <br />Dan Parker <br />Bill No. 01 -22 -American Rescue Plan COVID Premium <br />Pay Ordinance <br />Committee Chair Sheila Niezgodski called to order the Personnel & Finance Committee <br />meeting at 3 :30 p.m. <br />Full audio dialogue of the meeting is available upon request from the City Clerk's Office. <br />Bill No. 01-22 <br />Committeemember Rachel Tomas Morgan made a motion to accept Substitute Bill No . 01-22. <br />Committee Vice-Chair Eli Wax seconded the motion, which carried by a voice vote of three (3) <br />ayes . Committeemember Troy Warner had not yet joined the meeting. <br />Dan Parker, City Controller, with offices on the twelfth (12 th) floor of the County-City Building, <br />presented Substitute Bill No. 01-22 . <br />Vice-Chair Wax asked whether the department heads knew the final determination and were on <br />board with it. <br />Mr. Parker responded that the list of non-bargaining employees was determined with the Mayor's <br />office and each department head. <br />EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTAB ILIT Y INNOVATION INCLUS ION EMPOWERMENT <br />455 County-City Bu ilding 227W. Jefferson Bv ld South Bend , lndiana46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567