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Page 8 of 9 <br />05-07 and IC § 5-14-3.5-2. Use by the public of the information contained in this Grant shall not be <br />considered an act of the State. <br /> <br />21. Termination for Breach. <br />A. Failure to complete the Project and expend State, local and/or private funds in accordance with this <br />Grant Agreement may be considered a material breach, and shall entitle the State to suspend grant <br />payments, and to suspend the Grantee's participation in State grant programs until such time as all material <br />breaches are cured to the State's satisfaction. <br /> <br />B. The expenditure of State or federal funds other than in conformance with the Project or the Budget may <br />be deemed a breach. The Grantee explicitly covenants that it shall promptly repay to the State all funds not <br />spent in conformance with this Grant Agreement. <br /> <br />22. Termination for Convenience. Unless prohibited by a statute or regulation relating to the award of <br />the Grant, this Grant Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, by the State whenever, for any <br />reason, the State determines that such termination is in the best interest of the State. Termination shall be <br />effected by delivery to the Grantee of a Termination Notice, specifying the extent to which such <br />termination becomes effective. The Grantee shall be compensated for completion of the Project properly <br />done prior to the effective date of termination. The State will not be liable for work on the Project <br />performed after the effective date of termination. In no case shall total payment made to the Grantee exceed <br />the original grant. <br /> <br />23. Travel. No expenses for travel will be reimbursed unless specifically authorized by this Grant. <br /> <br />24. Provision Applicable to Grants with tax-funded State Educational Institutions: "Separateness" of <br />the Parties. The State acknowledges and agrees that because of the unique nature of State Educational <br />Institutions, the duties and responsibilities of the State Educational Institution in these Standard Conditions <br />for Grants are specific to the department or unit of the State Educational Institution. The existence or status <br />of any one contract or grant between the State and the State Educational Institution shall have no impact on <br />the execution or performance of any other contract or grant and shall not form the basis for termination of <br />any other contract or grant by either party. <br /> <br />25. State Boilerplate Affirmation Clause. I swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury that I have not <br />altered, modified, changed or deleted the State's standard contract clauses (as contained in the 2021 OAG/ <br />IDOA Professional Services Contract Manual or the 2021 SCM Template) in any way except as follows: <br />Payment of Claims; the Compliance with Audit and Reporting Requirements; Maintenance of Records <br />were modified to include statutory and program requirements. <br /> <br />REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br />