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i. <br /> Joint Meeting of the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> and the Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> of the performance based budget process. The Mayor noted that the performance based budget <br /> information is not widely distributed,but is used by the individual departments. <br /> Mr. Gilot noted that much of the information requested on page 3 results in better bond ratings. <br /> He noted that Mr. 011ett has repeatedly suggested that the city focus on 5-6 indicators which <br /> could be used for year to year comparisons,however this has not been done to date. <br /> Council Member Puzzello voiced concern that since the May tax bills have not been paid and <br /> that residents will be asked to make two (2)payments very close to one another this Fall,that it <br /> is very important to spell out in detail the budgetary procedures utilized by the city. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that at best there are"educated guesses"as to the amount of taxes that will <br /> be paid, since the real unknown is the appeal process. He noted that the collection rate last year <br /> was 99%. <br /> The first amendment proposed during the committee meeting was on page 4,paragraph(d) <br /> addressing the"proposed budget information"which is to be"timely posted on the City's <br /> website prior to the commencement of the Personnel and Finance Committee meetings on he <br /> proposed budget". Dr. Varner noted that currently information on the web goes back two(2) <br /> years. It was suggested that the City of Fort Wayne website on their budget be considered as <br /> one possible standard to be considered by the Administration. <br /> Much discussion then took place on proposed paragraph(e)on page 4 addressing: <br /> (1)An economic impact statement <br /> (2)A statement of goals and objectives; and <br /> (3)A cost/benefit analysis <br /> which has been in effect in the City of Ann Arbor for several years. <br /> Mayor Luecke and Mr. Gilot suggested that perhaps the analysis be considered for new <br /> programs and new recommendations rather than justifying for example why police cars are <br /> necessary. <br /> Council Member Puzzello added that if more help is needed in order to carry out a department's <br /> objectives(new equipment,new computers or software, etc)that this would be the area where <br /> the department would justify their requests. <br /> Dr. Varner stated that in the interest of accountability and the city doing its due diligence, <br /> especially in light of the current tax situation, that this information would be very helpful. He <br /> further suggested that if forms could be developed for better standardization in this area,that he <br /> would welcome that. Dr. Varner requested the Council Attorney to check her information in this <br /> area to see if there were any forms available. <br /> June 9,2004 Page 2 <br />