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Joint Meeting of the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> and the Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> Neighborhood Association getting money for banners, and the Robert Henry Corporation getting <br /> a contract to hang the banners. He noted that there may be a constitutional issue of"privileges <br /> and immunities". <br /> Mr. Leone noted how complete the Council's legislative record was for the adult business <br /> ordinance which supported by the legislation was necessary. He noted that the Council must <br /> develop a rational basis for the proposed regulations in this area. <br /> Dr. Varner suggested that the title to Sec. 2-94 be changed by deleting"Reporting"and replace it <br /> with"Application"and throughout that section as needed,and perhaps focus on those who are <br /> seeking funding. Mr. Leone stated that that would go part way in addressing his concern. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that some of his requests for Form 990's have been ignored,and that if they are <br /> a part of the application process they would be a matter of record on file in the City Clerk's <br /> Office. He noted that the Form 990's are public documents,but that Council Members should <br /> not have to go to the non-profits office to review them, especially when they are receiving <br /> monies from the city. <br /> The Council Attorney suggested that a minimum amount might be considered for the application <br /> process in light of the banner example. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that good reporting or accounting information helps protect the Council when <br /> money is appropriated, and may in fact involve liability if due diligence is not done. He noted <br /> that he had provided a one-page sheet entitled"Types of Tax-Exempt Organizations"which the <br /> IRS prepared and which summarizes information on the various types (copy attached). <br /> Mr. 011ett noted that there is the same liability involved when for profit companies are at the <br /> table. He added that property tax payments are not tracked routinely by the city;to which Dr. <br /> Varner replied that if the Administration wanted that added he would be open to their <br /> suggestion. <br /> Mr.Andres noted that his operation asked for 501(CX3)exempt letter verification in order to <br /> give discounts.. <br /> Council Member Puzzello suggested that clarification was necessary with regard to contributions <br /> and service. Dr. Varner noted that his primary concern was on non-profits who request funding <br /> or contributions from the city. <br /> Chuck Leone noted that Underwriters Laboratory has a special status as a water testing lab with <br /> whom the city contracts. He also noted that South Bend Heritage has been hired when houses <br /> are moved. <br /> Sharon Kendall voiced concern of holding non-profits to a higher standard, noting that the <br /> proposed regulations may be challenged. <br /> June 16,2004 Page 2 <br />