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Council Member Kirsits stated that he believes that originally the Department of <br /> Community and Economic Development used to run the Ethnic Festival, which was very <br /> successful. Art Beat is not only a success with our residents but also with our business owners. <br /> Mr. St. Clair noted that the late Gwen Stiver ran the Ethnic Festival originally through the <br /> early 199O's along with many volunteers. <br /> Council Member Kelly noted that Laurie Guy was present and perhaps she could <br /> comment on whether Art Beat or some thing similar could be carried out successfully. <br /> Laura Guy noted that much time and money is needed for Art Beat along with a host of <br /> sponsors. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer noted that she really like the old Ethnic Festival, and that <br /> perhaps the rides draw a certain element which was not present when church organizations and <br /> Mom and Pop groups were more involved. <br /> Council Member Coleman noted that he would like to continue the discussion on <br /> Summer in the City and that he would reschedule the presentation on the Park Master Plan. He <br /> then opened the floor to the public. <br /> Andrew Nemeth of 922 East Jefferson, South Bend, Indiana 46617 stated that the Ethnic <br /> Festival was fantastic. However its time and come and gone. More programs like Art Beat <br /> should be pursued. He also suggested investigated the Health Department Codes to see what is <br /> really necessary. <br /> Mr. Scheffineyer of 300 South St. Louis noted that he is the President of the <br /> neighborhood group where the Center in the City festival is held. He stated that the operating <br /> loss for this year's event was $113,000 and not the $22,000 referenced by the Park <br /> Superintendent. When you add in the infrastructure expenses the loss becomes$128,000 for this <br /> one-day event. He stated that he would support an event which focuses on eating like the old <br /> Ethnic Festival, but would not support a carnival. He encouraged the city to look at the car <br /> concept also. <br /> Council Member Coleman stated that this will not be the final discussion on Summer in <br /> the City,but is a good starting point. <br /> Mr. St. Clair stated that time is an issue since he needs to notify vendors in the next ten <br /> (10)days. He stated that he would share the Council's comments with the Mayor. <br /> Council President White inquired as to what was the next step and what would be the <br /> role of the Council. <br /> Mr. St. Clair stated he would talk to the Mayor, since"it is his call". <br /> Dr. Varner stated that if an additional appropriation is going to be necessary, the Council <br /> cannot be cut out of the discussions, since no additional monies were budgeted for next year. <br /> Parks, Arts,Recreation and Culture(PARC)Committee October 11,2004 <br /> Page 2 <br />