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• . <br /> Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee and the <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> Dr. Varner noted that the city should minimize the number of emergency lettings,noting <br /> that some however are justified. He stated that the Council is not here to turn down something <br /> just for the sake of turning it down,but rather to assure that the process is fair and public. <br /> Mayor Luecke noted that on page 8 it refers to"invitational bidding",which is just one <br /> process which could be used. He also questioned language on page 8-9. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that Mr. Gilot has talked about"design build approach"; however <br /> invitation bidding typically results in better bidding,better prices and more people participating. <br /> Dr. Varner further noted that if there would be three(3)separate contracts below the threshold <br /> amount,the end result would be circumventing the process. Dr. Varner suggested that a <br /> resolution rather than an ordinance for every contract of$100,000 or more would be his <br /> preference to assure that the Council is involved and getting information. He noted that$88 <br /> million in five(5)years with alot of consulting fees is very substantial. <br /> Sharon Kendall noted that Sec. 2-96(a)might be the proper area to address subsequent <br /> ratification if any. She inquired about the summary sheet and page 9 of the proposed ordinance. <br /> Ms. Kendall noted that she sees such a system as opening the Council up to the potential for alot <br /> of lobbying efforts. <br /> The fire and police furniture/equipment example was again pointed out by Council <br /> Members Kirsits and Varner for the need for the sharing of more information with the Council. <br /> They noted that the Council is required to act responsibly with regard to appropriations and <br /> having more and better information would assist the Council in such decisions. <br /> Council Member Kirsits stated that the best price is what the city should be after if the <br /> quality is essentially the same. The best price may be the same price,but you never know if you <br /> do not give local businesses even the opportunity to participate. He noted that he would prefer <br /> local companies. <br /> Dr. Varner thanked everyone for their input and noted that there are several good areas <br /> which were discussed today, with the fire and police equipment/furniture situation highlighting <br /> the need for more transparency. <br /> There being no further business to come before the joint committee meeting,Dr. Varner <br /> adjourned the meeting at 5:33 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Derek D. Dieter, Chairperson <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> Council Member David Varner,Chairperson <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> July 7,2004 Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee&the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee-4 <br />