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Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee and the <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> Council Member Schmidt noted that a resolution gives an opinion while an ordinance <br /> involves affirmative action. He stated that because an ordinance requires someone to do <br /> something,that he believes that is why Fort Wayne uses an ordinance. <br /> Mr. Gilot asked about the number of ordinance handled per year by the Council which <br /> are over the $100,000 amount. <br /> Council Member Schmidt stated that he was uncertain of this amount, but probably <br /> included 1-2 per meeting. He stated that this may be too low,but it is not a burden. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that the city could review how many projects have been handled by the <br /> Board of Public Works to get an idea locally. <br /> Mr. 011ett noted that annual appropriation ordinances have to be passed by September <br /> 30th of each year, and inquired why that process was not enough. <br /> Council Member Schmidt stated that Fort Wayne's budget is approximately $161 <br /> million. All items should be scrutinized, however since the Council has reviewed departmental <br /> budgets closely in the past they currently look at budget requests that are over 3% more closely. <br /> He noted that he is the Finance Chair and knows that financial reviews can be long and tedious. <br /> The "Schmidt Rule" has been developed over the years that reviews take place in 2-hour <br /> increments, since often times going beyond that period of time at one setting is not as <br /> productive. <br /> • <br /> Council Member Kelly noted that many concerns have been raised, however he is <br /> concerned about just developing another layer of government. <br /> Council Member Schmidt stated that it is the Council's job and duty to see that dollars <br /> are spent wisely. The process performs the role of a proper check and balance. <br /> Mr. 011ett inquired why such a formal process is used in Fort Wayne, especially in light <br /> of the Board of Public Works role. <br /> Council Member Schmidt stated that the Board of Public Works is an appointed board, <br /> and therefore not as accountable to the public as the Council. There is no community oversight <br /> over the Board of Public Works. Even if the Council would get the information, there is no <br /> formal way of getting it rectified. He noted that the Council has turned down at least two (2) <br /> contracts and have mutually agreed to many others. He stated that the process is not a burden to <br /> the Council or to the Administration. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that change is difficult. The digest page gives a synopsis from start to <br /> finish. He then gave the example of the recent furniture purchase for the new Central Fire <br /> Station in South Bend. He noted that information came to the Council after the fact about many <br /> concerns on a purchase which involved$700,000-800,000. Folks called after the fact and <br /> October 27,2004 Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee&the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee-4 <br />