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f Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee and the <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> work well here. The process involving the Council gives oversight. Over the past several years <br /> approximately 98% of the proposed expenditures have been approved. The public and the <br /> Council are more aware of what is going on as a result of this procedure. The process also tries <br /> to find more participates to the process. For example, if there is a single bidder and the amount <br /> of the proposed expenditure is under $100,000, the matter has to come to the Common Council <br /> for approval. <br /> Council Member Schmidt noted that in those instances where a bidder other than the low <br /> bidder is chosen,that item would also have to go to the Common Council. He noted that usually <br /> there are very good reasons based on the bidder's expertise, past experience, etc., but by <br /> including the public and the Council in the process it gives a"comfort level" and more oversight <br /> to the expenditure process. <br /> Council Member Schmidt noted that there were lots of contracts which were being <br /> piece-mealed at $30,000.each. The ordinance was amended so that if the aggregate in one (1) <br /> calendar year reached $100,000, then Council approval was required. He noted that when the <br /> process initially began the City Administration id not like it,but they"have come to embrace it". <br /> He noted that he called former Mayor Paul Helmke and former City Controller Kathy French, <br /> and they"could not imagine not having the process". He added that current Fort Wayne Mayor <br /> Graham Richard sees the overall process as a"way of doing business". <br /> Council Member Schmidt noted that the Council did turn down a contract which was <br /> utilities related. <br /> City Attorney Charles Leone gave an example of a salt contract to which Council <br /> Member Schmidt stated would be covered and is handled under the Fort Wayne procedures <br /> including Council approval. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that Fort Wayne's Purchasing Director Jim Howard noted that when <br /> any contract is to be awarded over $100,000 the vendor is told that the awarding of the contract <br /> is subject to Common Council approval. A letter in the handouts involving the purchase of <br /> approximately $1.4 million of police vehicles noted that the purchase was "subject to the <br /> approval"of the Council(copy attached). <br /> Council Member Schmidt noted that for the past 1 1/2 months, Fort Wayne has been in <br /> the process of discussing the building of a new fire station. The contract had to come to the <br /> Council. He noted that several years ago a fire station footprint was developed for Fort Wayne. <br /> Architectural firms voiced concern that they did not all have access to the process. On the <br /> second time around, everyone had the opportunity to"be a part of the action"; and if this process <br /> would not have been in place it would not have happened. The contract was eventually awarded <br /> to the same bidder. <br /> October 27,2004 Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee&the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee-2 <br />