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2004 Information and Technologies Committee Annual Report <br /> Page 2 <br /> Although the Information and Technology Committee did not formally receive <br /> information on the proposed Metro Net project, with that presentation being made at a <br /> December Informal Meeting of the Council, due to the very nature of that proposed <br /> project, meeting may be schedule under this Committee in 2005 so that the Council is <br /> aware of its overall operations and has the opportunity to have input. <br /> Respectful .- itted, <br /> Co • "ember David Varner, Chairperson <br /> Information and Technology Committee <br /> January 7, 2005 <br /> cc: Mayor Stephen J. Luecke <br /> The South Bend Common Council <br /> The Office of the City Clerk <br /> Filed In Clerk's Office <br /> JAN 102005 <br /> JOHN VOORDE <br /> CM CLERK,SO.BEND,IN. <br />