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Council members asked to know the average age of City employees which is 46. <br /> Council member Varner questioned whether City employees appeared to under use or over <br /> use medical services. Ms.Wallace stated that the average number of claims per employee is seven, <br /> of which employees pay roughly 10%. It was also noted that 91% of each health care dollar goes <br /> toward actual health care costs. Under a non-self funded plan,the administrative cost would be 20- <br /> 25%, rather than 9% under the City's plan. <br /> Mr. 011ett pointed out that while this year's results were positive in terms of budgeting, the <br /> health care plan is the second highest cost in the City's budget and that the City must promote <br /> wellness. The emphasis might cause short term cost increases,but would produce long term savings. <br /> He noted that most private health plans pay 75% of a participant's costs while the City plan covers <br /> roughly 90%. <br /> Council member Pfeifer questioned the amount of health plan costs attributable to conditions <br /> that are preventable,e.g. smoking, obesity,etc. Ms. Wallace said she didn't have this data with her <br /> but would get it later. Ms. Wallace also stated that one large claim in 2003-2004 was caused by <br /> obesity, a gastric surgery that didn't turn out. She also said that in 2005 there will be two possible <br /> liver transplants. <br /> Council member Kirsits asked whether emergency room visits were abused by participants. <br /> Ms. Wallace said that she was watching that statistic. She thought that by keeping the co-pays low <br /> ($15.00),participants were more inclined to use their primary physician. Margaret Hartsough added <br /> that the health budget component for emergency room visits is only 7% which is not significant. <br /> Mr.011ett concluded by saying that in 2005 the premium rates for employees will remain the <br /> same as in 2004. <br /> As this was the only agenda item,Committee Chair Puzzello adjourned the meeting at 4:47 <br /> p.m. <br />