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• <br /> Community cR ations eommittex <br /> Council Member Pfeifer requested that a copy of both of the two (2) documents <br /> referenced by Mr. Corey be filed with the Office of the City Clerk so that the Council Members <br /> could review them. Mr. Corey noted that the copies he had with him today were his personal <br /> copies,but that he would see that other copies are filed. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer thanked the MACOG representatives for their updates. <br /> Pam Meyer,the Director of the Division of Community Development, then provided an <br /> update on NRC formerly known as NRTC. Council Member Pfeifer is on NRC. Ms. Meyer <br /> noted that this group began in 1993 and is composed of eighteen (18) people, 12 from <br /> neighborhood organizations and groups, and others representing IU South Bend, Notre Dame, <br /> Bethel College. $100,000 is available for grants, and scholarships are available for conferences <br /> and training. She noted that a workshop will take place this Thursday. She then provided a <br /> handout which included a color brochure entitled "Building Neighborhoods one block at a <br /> time--NRTC--Neighborhood Resources & Technical Services Corporation" and a 16-page <br /> handout entitled "Presentation to Community Relations Committee, Common Council of South <br /> Bend, South Bend"(copy attached). Ms. Meyer then highlighted some of that material. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer noted that NRC is one of the most pratical things done in our <br /> community. She would like NRC to host a conference and believes it is a very valuable entity. <br /> Ms. Meyer added that one of their recent initiatives was to put forth a legislative effort <br /> addressing fireworks. <br /> There being no further business to come before the committee, Council Member Pfeifer <br /> adjourned the meeting at 5:37 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Charlotte D. Pfeifer, Chairperson <br /> Community Relations Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> Community Relations Committee November 8,2004 Page 2 <br />