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• The South Bend Common Council's Standing Committee Report from the <br /> Community and Economic Development Committee <br /> turn plans to build a house with 1,120 square feet. They will use volunteer labor and donated <br /> materials with the house having a value of approximately$69,000. <br /> Mr. Beitzinger concluded his presentation by stated that the petitioner meets the <br /> qualifications for a five-year residential tax abatement under Section 2-77.1 of the South Bend <br /> Municipal Code addressing"single family real property abatement". <br /> David Hatch of Habitat for Humanity requested favorably action by the Committee. <br /> Council Member Coleman made a motion,seconded by Council Member Kirsits that Bill <br /> No. 04-98 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kelly then called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 04-99 which <br /> is a five (5) year residential real property tax abatement request of Habitat for Humanity of St. <br /> Joseph County for the properties located at 2530 W. Linden Avenue, 1139 McKinley Avenue, <br /> and 2118 Kenwood Street. <br /> Mr. Beitzinger stated that the Bill has been substituted because two (2) of the locations, <br /> namely 2306 West Linden Avenue and 2229 West Orange Street are within the West <br /> Washington/Chapin Street Redevelopment area and must be considered by the Redevelopment <br /> Commission first. These two (2) properties have been deleted from the Bill and will be <br /> resubmitted at a later time. <br /> Mr. Beitzinger then reviewed his report dated September 7, 2004 (copy attached). The <br /> petitioner plans to construct five (5) houses, each with 1,120 square feet. Each house will have <br /> an approximate value of$69,000. <br /> David Hatch of Habitat for Humanity stated that he does not take the tax abatement <br /> process lightly. They are committed to turning renters into homeowners. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired whether any counseling is provided since the tax abatement <br /> reductions will disappear after five(5)years. <br /> Mr. Hatch stated that they do counseling through the Purdue extension, and that each of <br /> the owners is made aware of their responsibilities. <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council <br /> Member Coleman that Substitute Bill No. 04-99 be recommended favorably to Council. The <br /> motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kelly then called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 04-100 which <br /> is a five (5) year residential tax abatement request for various locations on Deer Hollow Drive, <br /> Black Tail Court, Red Farm Court, Hollington Way and Running Deer Drive, all of which are <br /> located in the Deer Hollow Subdivision. <br /> Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting of September 13,2004 Page 3 <br />