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r 1 „ <br /> eo► it4Tt: <br /> • <br /> Ms. Rosheck made the presentation. They did receive comments from South Bend <br /> Heritage Foundation who requested more money. Arc Angels are taking over a community <br /> center, and LaCasa asked for more money. Mayor Luecke made adjustments in light of these <br /> comments. Ms.Rosheck stated that reprogrammed funds would be used to fund Arc Angels. <br /> Council Member Dieter inquired whether Ron King had been contacted regarding the <br /> Arc Angels funding requested and was advised that he was. He also inquired about the$90,000 <br /> for foot patrols,and inquired how much was spent last year. <br /> Ms. Rosheck stated that she was unsure how much was spent but believes that very little <br /> is left,noting that she gets monthly reports. <br /> Council Member Dieter inquired about the overall mission of the Youth Development <br /> Commission. <br /> Ms. Rosheck stated that it was funded in the past from Administrative dollars. It is an <br /> umbrella organization which organizes other organizations who help youth get organized. She <br /> cited the Healthy Communities Initiatives as an example. <br /> Dr. Varner asked for examples of the funding listed under the category of"Community <br /> Development-Activity Delivery& Counseling". Ms. Rosheck stated that the monies are used to <br /> process applications for REWARD, CHC, etc., and basically pays for staff time, a type of <br /> administrative expense. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Kuspa, Ms. Rosheck stated that Habitat <br /> for Humanity would be located at the corner of Sample Street and Monroe. <br /> Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member Coleman that Bill <br /> No. 72-04 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kelly then called for a presentation on Bill No. 73-04 which would <br /> appropriate $10,000 within Fund # 212 for the "purpose of protecting the city's interest in <br /> outstanding loans". <br /> John Sellers made the presentation. He noted that these CDBG monies would be used to <br /> cover the costs of filing fees,lease commissions and redemption of property at tax sales in order <br /> to protect the city's interest in home improvement loans previously made by the city. Such costs <br /> are basically"costs of collection"pursuant to HUD. <br /> Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kirsits that Bill <br /> No. 73-04 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> November 8,2004 Community and Economic Development Committee Page 2 <br />