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HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY DECEMBER 10, 2012 <br /> Committee Members Present: Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Tim Scott, <br /> Citizen Member Kyle Chamberlin <br /> Other Council Present: Oliver Davis, Derek Dieter, Gavin Ferlic <br /> Others Present: Aladean DeRose, Mark Neal, John Murphy, Mike Schmuhl, <br /> Murray Miller <br /> Dr. Fred Ferlic, Chairperson, Health &Public Safety Committee called the hearing to <br /> order calling upon the Council Attorney to explain the content of Bill No. 65-12 <br /> regulating massage parlors in the city. <br /> Kathy Cekanski-Farrand described the bill as a housekeeping measure meant to keep <br /> South Bend's ordinance in compliance with changes in state law. City Attorney Aladean <br /> DeRose offered support for the changes saying the changes were well drafted. <br /> Karen White asked if the County Council was making similar updates. The answer given <br /> from both attorneys was that they were adding that the County Health Department would <br /> continue inspections for health& safety requirements. <br /> Karen motioned the bill be sent to full Council favorably. Tim Scott supported with a <br /> second and all affirmed. <br /> Under miscellaneous Council President Derek Dieter said a notification protocol for all <br /> Councilmember's whenever a major crime, accident or environmental threat occurs was <br /> still being worked on. This reflects the stated wishes of the Council to be "kept in the <br /> loop." <br /> There being no further business to come before the Council at this time. Chairperson Dr. <br /> Fred Ferlic adjourned the meeting at 3:39 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Dr. Fred Fclic, Chairperson <br /> Health&Public Safety Committee <br />