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106 Quality <br />100% Employee Owned 9 Over 100 Years <br />CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY <br />KNOW ALL MEPC BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned President of Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing <br />under the laws of the- State. of Indiana,'hereby represents and. confirms that Ruben .Alvarado, Sates Manager, has full powef-and authority to make, <br />execute, seal, if-requ!red by law, and del iVer for' and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bids, proposals or contracts; said bids; proposals or <br />contracts not to exceed$2,000,000.00 which .Bids; proposals or contracts call for work, services, or materials to be furnished by Rieth-Riley Construction <br />Co., inc., whether such bids, -proposals or contracts are being submitted to'an individual or entity, 1public or private, and to bine! Rieth=Riley Construc#ion <br />Co., Inc. thereby as.fully and .to the same extent as if such bids, proposal :or.conttacts we�o.signed by an Executive. Officer of R eth-Riley'Construction <br />Co., Inc., and sealed, if required by law; and attested by one of such officers, and hereby rates and confirms all that the above named'de§ griee may do <br />in pursuance'hereof. <br />The authority granted to -the above named designee is pursuant to Section 6,03 of the Restated. By -Laws ofRieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc., as amended, <br />which Restated Sy -Laws were effective February S, 2010, and which Restated By -Laws,. as amended, and the authority granted to the above named: <br />designee continue in full force -and effect. <br />This Certificate of Authority [s issuetl,. signed and sealed, if required by law, by facsimile under and by authority of the following standing resolutions <br />adopted by*the :Board of Directors of R1eth=Riley Construction. Co., Inc., at a'meeting held on the 16th day of February, 1996, at which a quorum was <br />present, and which resolutions have not been amended or repealed and continue in full force and effect:. <br />Resolved thatforp.' brpbses gfclariltcation and in furtherance of the intent of Section 6.03 of the By -Laws of the Company the authority <br />granted in'Se6 n 6:03 shall extend to the making, executlon, sealing,. ifregulred;bylaw, and. delivery on. behalf- of the Company of <br />all documents required as part of any bid, proposal or contract, which is for work, services or materials to be furnished by Company <br />and which is being submitted to an individual or -entity, public oeprivate." <br />"Resolved that in carrying out .the provisions of Section 6.03 of the ray Laws'of-the Company.the signatures of such directors and <br />officers and, if required by law, . the seal of the Company maybe affixed to any such Certfficate of Authority or any cortiffdate relating <br />thereto by facsimile, .arid any such Certificate of Authority or certificate bearing such' facsih711e signatures ar facsimile seal shall be <br />valid and biridipgupon the Company and any such Certificate of Authority so executed and certified by tac6imile signature and <br />Facsirimile sealsha/! be valid and binding upon the Company, with respect to any bid, proposal or contract to which if is attached <br />1N WITNESS 1NHEREO-F, Riefh-Riley Construction Co., Inc., has caused these presents to be signed by its President and its corporate seal to be hereto <br />affixed, this 10th day of September, 2020. <br />RIETH-RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. <br />SEAL <br />A. Keith Rose, President <br />STATE OF INDIANA } <br />}SS: <br />COUNTY OF ELKHART ) <br />On this 10th day of September, 2020, before me personally came A. Keith Rose, to me known, who, being by me sworn,. did depose and say: that he is <br />President of Rieth-Riley Conttructlon Co., lnc., the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said <br />corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal•, and that he executed 'the said instrument on behalf of the corporation by <br />authority of•his office pursuant to corporation's Restated By -Laws and standing resolutions. <br />My Commission Expires: .March 16, 2024 YP _ <br />SEAL <br />IAS Ronya Phillips, Notary Public <br />Residing ih Elkhart County, Indiana <br />I, Robert L. Konopinski, do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed and acting Secretary of Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc., a corporation duly, <br />organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Indiana; that the foregoing Certificate of Authority has neither been amended <br />or rescinded and remains in :full force and effect; and furthermore, that the Restated By -Laws and standing resolutions of the corporation, as referred to <br />and set forth in this Certificate of Authority, continue in full force and effect. <br />Si :ed and Sealed at the Corporate OfFce of Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc., in the City of Goshen, State of Indiana. Dated this _A0'� day of <br />Pj'f' 2b. <br />SEAL �` Robert L. Konopinski, Secretary <br />