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wondering, whether subsequent inspections prior to issuance were one in a timely <br />manner. Steele indicated the log jam was most often with inspections done by the Fire <br />Prevention Bureau. The South Bend Fire Department (SBFD) has four inspectors who <br />made over 5200 inspections last year for the neazly 30 different Types of licenses the city <br />issues. <br />Ann-Carol Nash suggested that perhaps the NCE auto service inspection process could be <br />used as a model. In this process applicants for licenses were pre-qualified and the <br />window for compliance was narrowed. From this suggestion came discussion that <br />perhaps the application dates for different licenses could be staggered and missed. <br />Compliance deadlines would require a re-application fee. Ms. Fanello suggested <br />penalties could be added for non-compliance. <br />Councilmember Karen White said the outcomes we see so for this year aze unacceptable. <br />The process for compliance needs to be improved; she added Councilmember Henry <br />Davis suggested maybe we could devise some incentive for compliance. Ann-Carol <br />Nash felt they needed internal deadlines. The City needs a process fair to business; we <br />cannot penalize business for our own failing. Councilmember White began a summation <br />by chazging all involved to think about how the procedures could be improved, then <br />make recommendations to the committee. Fanello suggested resources need to be <br />identified so that aggressive; but realistic timelines could be devised. Councilmember <br />Puzzello asked Mr. Steele to give the Council a list of scrap dealers who have applied for <br />licenses this year by July 31St <br />Councilmember Karen L. White announced the July 16th meeting of the Health and <br />Public Safety Committee will focus on lawn parking. <br />Also the firearms bill Sub 26-08 set for public hearing on June 23, 2008, will be <br />continued indefinitely. <br />Finally the 6th District Meeting of the Health & Public Safety would be at the West Side <br />Democratic Club on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson Karen <br />L. White adjourned the meeting at 4:38 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />~~ <br />~~"~ <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />Health & Public Safety Committee <br />