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Father Chris Cox of 2420 W. Huron, rose to compliment the SBPD for working to improve <br />relations between the police and Hispanics. He did however see graffiti as a continuing serious <br />problem. <br />Chairperson White announced the next meeting called by her to address the graffiti problem was <br />scheduled for Wednesday, July 16, 2008. <br />Mark Dollinger who runs the Weed & Seed Program urged the reporting of graffiti noting over 200 <br />have been painted over already this year. Timely reporting would assist the SBPD to track and <br />remedy the problem. He urged a comprehensive approach, though warned weed and seed funds <br />would run out this year. <br />Henry Davis asked Dollinger if he had researched and measured the effectiveness of <br />comprehensive programs in other cities. Dollinger said the key to successful programs was <br />citizen participation. <br />Stanley Szostakowski of 1202 W. Grace St., complained of loitering, loud noise and abusive <br />behavior by youths in the streets. <br />Dave Thomas, 522 S. Meade St., spoke of the vacant house problems on the West Side. He <br />wondered if Habitat for Humanity could work to rehab vacant homes. <br />Chairperson White noted that Habitat was looking into a rehab program. <br />Tim Hudak of 515 S. Phillips St., said there was a lot of illegal dumping which seems to last <br />forever, especially along the railroad tracks. <br />Toppel said railroads are exempt from local environmental laws. <br />Deb Hudak spoke of disrespectful, unruly kids and prevalent mobile drug sales. <br />Cathy Conrad of 511 S. Grant spoke of the same problems. <br />Chairperson White began a summation by assuring folks we all want and will work for safe <br />peaceful neighborhoods. She said she will set up a meeting with the residents and the SBPD. <br />Tim Hudak offered the West Side Democratic Club for such a meeting and also offered to take <br />folks on a guided tour of the neighborhood. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson Karen L. White <br />adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />~~ <br />,.. ~ <br />~~~ <br />1~ <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />Health & Public Safety Committee <br />