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Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> August 28, 2002 <br /> Page 6 <br /> more proactive. <br /> Mr. Fozo believes that the city has a good sign ordinance, and that it was used to remove signs <br /> from the sidewalk areas. He stated that he would look into it more. <br /> Council Member White inquired about the increasing number of people selling items from vacant <br /> lots. Mr. Fozo stated that these actions are in properly zoned locations, however Code <br /> Enforcement is the office that should be contacted as to whether they are properly licensed. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that Code Enforcement does not work on the weekends,and that that compounds <br /> the problem since the illegal sales are often on holidays and weekends. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer inquired about the possibility of licensing landlords. Mr. Fozo noted that <br /> the initial problem would be the amount of inspections that would have to take place. At Council <br /> Member Pfeifer's request, Mr. Fozo stated that he would begin preparing the projected number of <br /> rental inspections that would be required and the projected costs. <br /> Dr. Varner thanked Mr. Fozo and the other representatives for their presentation. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, Dr. Varner adjourned the meeting <br /> at 5:15 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member David Varner, Vice-Chairperson <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br />