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Joint Meeting of the Health &Public Safety Committee and the Residential Neighborhoods Committee <br /> June 24, 2002 <br /> Page 2 <br /> and support as well as the Council Attorney,and the South Bend Tribune for not only attending all <br /> of the meetings and conferences, but also for making the public aware of such meetings and <br /> conferences. As a result of these ongoing opportunities for discussion, the public and the City has <br /> been informed,educated and included in the overall process. <br /> Council Member King stated that the first time he was contacted that it was not from a little old <br /> lady, but from a home builder. The home builder showed an area on a map where he wanted to <br /> build fourteen (14) homes. The builder stated "I cannot build there because of bunch of kids own <br /> that corner". Complaints and related problems from others were then forthcoming. Council <br /> Member King stated that the "broken windows"doctrine that if something is creating disorder and <br /> if nothing is done about it, it will continue to grow, applies to the problems and concerns which <br /> have been shared with both Council Member Pfeifer and himself. Council Member King stressed <br /> that the City must pay attention to the things that disturb and which create ill feelings and concern <br /> on a day in and day out basis. He noted that Council Member Pfeifer and the Council Attorney <br /> have worked to provide many opportunities for not only public officials, but especially the public <br /> to be involved with the process to make sure that good and workable regulations which are <br /> enforceable could be discussed openly. <br /> The Council Attorney noted that neighborhood prosecutors also have been involved in the process <br /> by attending the loitering conferences as well as many of the neighborhood partnership center <br /> meetings. She then highlighted portions of a Memorandum dated June 24, 2002 (copy attached). <br /> She noted for the record that on page 1 of the Memorandum that the dates"February 15, 1999 and <br /> February 24, 1999" should be added with the notation "Joint Meeting of the Health & Public <br /> Safety Committee and the Residential Neighborhoods Committee addressing loitering, etc " with <br /> copies of those minutes. The overall public process has taken place since 1998 with good working <br /> relationships between the cities of Seattle and Chicago being established. The proposed ordinance <br /> includes the best of regulations from Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. The South <br /> Bend ordinance would focus on five (5) major items: 1. Establishing control over identifiable <br /> enforcement areas or so called drug and gang"hot spots" can be taken back by the neighborhoods <br /> and once again enjoyed; 2. Deterring and preventing intimidation of law abiding citizens; 3. <br /> Focusing on harmful purposes and/or effects of gang loitering and narcotics-related loitering as <br /> defined in the ordinances;4. Addressing the concealment of illegal activities which are often drug <br /> related and result in secondary negative effects such as vandalism, violence and intimidation; and <br /> 5. Focuses on law enforcement giving notice as to what conduct is illegal. The Council Attorney <br /> noted that the proposed ordinance follows the guidelines provided by the US Supreme Court in the <br /> Morales decision very closely, as well as the provisions of the Cook County decision in Perez <br /> decision. She further noted that she has had ongoing contact with Mr. Larry Rosenthal, the <br /> Chicago General Counsel who argued the Morales decision and who was one of the speakers at <br /> the 2nd loitering conference. As a result of those discussions, the City of Chicago has shared <br /> valuable information with the City of South Bend which has been provided to the Council and <br /> Chief Bennett over the past several weeks(copies attached). She also added to the record copies of <br /> the handouts provided at the April 23, 1999 and August 6, 1999 loitering conferences. The <br /> Council Attorney noted that she just received the letter from the City Attorney (copy attached) and <br /> agrees with the friendly amendment proposed for § 13-3(c) and § 13-4(c) where the words <br /> "subject to arrest" would be changed to "subject to penalties". She further noted that she would <br /> work with the Legal Department on the issues of who should ultimately designated the"hot spots", <br /> and would discuss their concerns on the proposed community service aspect of the proposed <br /> ordinance.The Council Attorney then showed approximately ten(10) minutes of a City of Chicago <br /> Police Training video(copy included with Joint Committee minutes) on the role of police as a Joint <br />