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November 25, 2002 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Council and then continue the public hearing,and not open the hearing to public comment. <br /> Council Member King stated that he appreciates Council Member Coleman's suggestion, however <br /> he does not believe that that would be consistent with the South Bend Municipal Code. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that he did not want the Council in the position of having to cut anyone off <br /> from making a comment. <br /> Council Member White noted that this bill addresses a critical issue. She suggested that the <br /> Administration consider rescinding the notices which have been sent and re-issue new notices to <br /> the 2,000 persons who were initially notified. She suggested that the City should make ever effort <br /> possible to make sure that the public is aware of the proposed rates, as well as their opportunity to <br /> participate in the process. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer stated that she appreciates the willingness of the Mayor to continue the bill <br /> since she is concerned about the "ordinary citizens"who are not present today. She suggested that <br /> the City should always to"the right thing". <br /> Mr. Rosen inquired why the City Administration does not withdraw Bill No. 88-02 like they did <br /> the first bill that was filed this summer. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that the Administration would then have to go through having a new bill have <br /> a first reading and then be set for 2d and 3rd readings and public hearing. <br /> Mr. Richard Nussbaum inquired whether the Utilities Committee would be meeting between now <br /> and January 13,2003 to discuss the substitute bill after it is filed with the City Clerk. <br /> Council Member Kirsits stated that there would be at least one more Utilities Committee meeting <br /> before January 13,2002. The Council Attorney suggested that once the substitute bill is filed with <br /> the City Clerk that it be published in its entirety so that all members of the public will have access <br /> to the proposed revised rates. <br /> Mr. Hoye inquired whether persons like himself would be required to be present at this evening's <br /> Common Council meeting. He was advised that they would not have to be present since the <br /> Council, by proper motion and vote, would continue Bill No. 88-02 at the request of the <br /> Administration. <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Aranowski made a motion, seconded by Council Member <br /> Pfeifer that Bill No. 88-02 be continued until January 13,2002 at the request of the Administration <br /> and that the Bill be set for further hearing before the Utilities Committee. The motion passed. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member Kirsits adjourned <br /> the meeting at 4:37 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Al "Buddy"Kirsits, Chairperson <br /> Utilities Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br />