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Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> August 12, 2002 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Mr. Sante stated that the intersections around the bypass would also be impacted and that they need <br /> to be studied in light of the Capital Avenue project. SR 23 and the Bypass will all be affected and <br /> special study areas will have to take place. Mr. Sante noted that the Corridor Plans and the various <br /> Neighborhood Plans would be summarized in future meetings. <br /> Mr. Hunt suggested that he will see that his department pulls together all of the neighborhood plans <br /> and plans passed by the Redevelopment Commission. He noted that the Keller Park Plan was <br /> approved by the Board of Public Works and the Common Council. <br /> The Council Attorney suggested that all such plans be filed with the City Clerk and that that office <br /> inventory them so that they could be made available for the Council to review. The formal listing <br /> of documents would then be suggested to be maintained by the City Clerk's office. <br /> Council Member King noted that a city-wide plan is being developed by Larry Magliozzi and that <br /> an update will be provided on it at today's Community and Economic Development meeting. <br /> Council Member King stressed that there must be a balance in the amount of detail needed at this <br />• phase of reviewing the proposed comprehensive plan. He stated "don't let the perfect be the <br /> enemy of the good", which he often used in private industry. He hoped that there would not be a <br /> delay in the quality of life in our community,and that the City should get started. <br /> Council President Kelly stated that he agrees with Council Member King, however the Council <br /> must do its"due diligence"as recommended by the Council Attorney as part of the review process. <br /> The City should be in a leadership role and develop a time table which is workable. <br /> Mr. Sante stated that he will need to officially certify the proposed comprehensive plan to the <br /> Common Council. <br /> Council Member White suggested that discussions should take place, however with Council <br /> Member King not being available for the 1st meeting in September, it could not take place at that <br /> time. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer suggested that Mr. Sante and his staff provide a presentation on the areas <br /> where there is change in direction. She suggested that recommendations be highlighted that are <br /> based on the diversity of the population with regard to infra-structure resources and proposed <br /> developments. She stressed the need for these items to be brought to the Council's attention. She <br /> also suggested that any trends in population be highlighted and note whether they are a"trend or a <br /> fad". <br /> Council Member King noted that the Area Plan Commission will be formalizing their commitment <br /> to review the plan every five(5) years, based on census projections. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer suggested that perhaps the review should take place every three (3) years <br /> instead. <br /> Dr. Varner stated that he believes that demographics are more important then numbers. He does <br /> not want the proposed comprehensive plan to become controversial or to get bogged down, <br /> however the Council has the responsibility to know why items are cited in the proposed plan and to <br /> decide whether they should be referenced as a proposed development guide. He also noted the <br /> need for water and conservation districts. The plan should be good for developing a vision, but <br />