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t <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> September 9, 2002 <br /> Page 4 <br /> quote appears: "Encourage tax-base sharing and other measures to minimize income disparities <br /> between municipalities". This was one of the principles listed with regard to smart growth, and he <br /> questioned whether this was really viable for the county and the city. Dr. Varner then referred to <br /> page 3-12 where the statistics are listed for rentals with South Bend having 34% and Mishawaka <br /> having 40%. He noted that often the "high rental rates" is South Bend is given as a reason for <br /> some of the problems in our city, yet comparatively South Bend is lower than other communities. <br /> All in all, Dr. Varner stated that we need opportunities like the time spent in this Committee <br /> meeting to spend the proper amount of time in reviewing and discussing the material. <br /> Council Member Coleman stated that we could debate the details, however with regard to rentals <br /> the real issue is the concentration of them which may be causing the problems. <br /> Dr. Varner stated that rental concentration is part of the problem, but density and quality of the <br /> rental units should also be addressed. He again stressed that the general statements which are <br /> included in the proposed comprehensive plan may get the city into trouble. <br /> Jon Hunt stated that the City Plan would set forth information in a more detailed fashion. For <br /> example it may cite that the conversion of single-family homes into rental units is a concern. <br /> Council President Kelly stated that the proposed comprehensive plan covers a lot of details. Many <br /> of the points stated today are well taken, but he voiced concern that the Council could " knit-pick <br /> the plan to death". He stated that the Committee needs to have the meetings as proposed by <br /> Council Member White, but then it needs to decide. <br /> Council Member White thanked Mr. Byorni and Mr. Hunt for their presentations. She also noted <br /> that on the proposed meeting schedule on the proposed comprehensive plan that October 9th is a <br /> Wednesday. The Zoning and Annexation Committee would meet again to continue this discussion <br /> on Tuesday, October 2nd. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member White adjourned <br /> the meeting at 5:15 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Karen L. White, Chairperson <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br />