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COUNCIL RULES DECEMBER 10, 2012 <br /> 3:37 P.M. <br /> Committee Member's Present: Derek Dieter, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic <br /> Other's Present: Murray Miller, Christa Nayder, Erin Blasko, Glenda Rae <br /> Hernandez, Mark Neal, Mike Schmuhl, Kathy Cekanski-Farrand, Aladean DeRose <br /> This meeting of the Council Rules Committee was called by President Derek Dieter to <br /> report the findings and recommendation of the Council's Special Redistricting <br /> Committee. Noting that, Derek called upon Karen White who along with Council <br /> Attorney Kathy Cekanski-Farrand directed the redistricting effort. Karen first described <br /> the board diversity of the special committee. Every Councilmanic district except the 3rd <br /> was represented. Racial, socio-economic and political diversity interests were all <br /> represented. Karen also thanked the volunteer efforts of Karl King,the primary"number <br /> cruncher"for the group. Karen then asked the Council Attorney to describe the legal <br /> requirements of redistricting. The Attorney outlined the redistricting mandates under <br /> Indiana State Law which guided the special committee's effort. Using 2010 census data <br /> districts were re-aligned to be contiguous and compact having as equal a population <br /> count as possible. Karen said three re-districting options were presented to Council by <br /> the special committee. Public input through press releases, the internet and special public <br /> hearings was solicited. From the process Karen said option#3 was the one most favored. <br /> It met all state criteria and required the least amount of changes of boundaries. President <br /> Dieter said residents moved from one district to another would be sent notice of the <br /> change. On a motion by Karen, seconded by Dr. Ferlic and supported by all, option 3 <br /> was recommended to full Council. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time, Chairperson <br /> Dieter adjourned the meeting at 3:44 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Derek Dieter, Chairperson <br /> Council Rules Committee <br />