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PERSONNEL & FINANCE COMMITTEE DECEMBER 10,2012 <br /> Committee Members Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Oliver Davis, Derek Dieter, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br /> Others Present: John Murphy, Mark Neal, John Burke,Aladean DeRose, <br /> Kathy Cekanski-Farrand, Erin Blasko <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 67-12—Budget Transfers; Bill No. 68-12—Appropriations—Various <br /> Departments; Bill No. 66-12—MLK Holiday <br /> Karen White, Chairperson, Personnel & Finance Committee called the meeting to order <br /> noting the lack of a quorum,Nonetheless the three items on the agenda would be given a <br /> public hearing and necessarily sent to full Council without recommendation. <br /> City Controller Mark Neal,presented the first agenda item, Bill No. 67-12. He <br /> characterized this bill as a typical year-end housekeeping bill wherein accounts for <br /> departments are adjusted to balance accounts before year's end. He explained briefly that <br /> budget estimates made a year prior do not always play out as anticipated. Oliver Davis <br /> asked if there were any real surprises. Mark cited the unexpected increase in solid waste <br /> tipping fees which were covered by falling natural gas prices. <br /> The next item Bill No. 68-12 was a request for additional appropriations for a budget <br /> which had an unanticipated shortfall. Mark Neal noted the shortfall was not the result of <br /> poor estimating,but rather the result of heaving to cover a state mandated change in the <br /> way PERF dollars are set-aside. Another unanticipated expense was the$730 thousand <br /> cost for EMS self-contained breathing apparatus. He did point out that nearly$400 <br /> thousand would be reimbursed to the fund. <br /> The last item was Bill No. 66-12 which designated the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther <br /> King, Jr., as an official City holiday. This would take the place of the current"floating" <br /> holiday keeping the number of city holidays at ten (10), while designed to be revenue <br /> neutral some expense would be absorbed due to the fact that the Teamster contract <br /> already in place for 2013 would result in that workforce getting an 11th holiday for 2013 <br /> only. A "fairness" issue to other employees was raised by Dr. Fred Ferlic, Derek Dieter <br /> and Tim Scott,but Mark Neal, City Controller, said the cost for an 11th day across the <br /> board in 2013 was cost prohibitive. No one from the public spoke. <br /> There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson <br /> White adjourned the meeting at 4:36 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submit <br /> Karen L. White, Chairperson <br /> Personnel &Finance Committee <br />