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STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br /> <br />Date: June 15, 2021 <br />Application Number: 2021-0607 <br />Property Location: 1329 East Washington Street <br />Architectural Style/Date/Architect or Builder: Colonial Revival / 1927 <br />Property Owner: Eric and Jill Sims <br />Landmark or District Designation: Local Landmark, Ordinance #7118- <br />82 <br />Rating: Outstanding <br /> <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE/ SITE : Two story irregular Tudor Revival structure on a brick foundation <br />on a large corner lot at the intersection of Washington and Jacob. Rough stucco surfaced walls with visible <br />half timbering throughout. The roof has intersecting gables and several pitches. A long slope roof overhang <br />includes the entrance. Roof detailing includes close verges, little-to-no trim, and some returns. A centrally- <br />located brick corbelled chimney dominates the roof line, with articulated flues above the stone weathering. A <br />carved and detailed tablet is above the entry’s wooden surrounds, including wood rope molding at the reveal. <br />Casement windows – many having been replaced within the last decade – are of various sizes, located in <br />groups. To the east of the entry is a two-level grouping of windows in a square bay with smooth stucco <br />spandrels. The southeast corner grouping includes heavy timber and half-round arches. Full-arched windows <br />are on the east and rear facades. The one-and-a-half story stucco and half-timbering garage at rear with bell <br />cast gable, three garage bays, and an upper room with second-level hyphen is separated from the main <br />structure by a lower breezeway access. What was an earlier concrete wall extension with pier-end articulated <br />in brick is now an enclosed low-roofed area on the western façade that functions as a three-season porch. <br /> <br />ALTERATIONS: COA #2018-0928 allowed for the enclosure of the pass-through between he house and garage <br />with Mavin Ultimate Windows and Doors, as well as modifications to the 3-season porch and roof porch railing. <br />RME #2010-0812 in-kind replacement of aluminum clad wood casement circle head windows; RME #2009-0409 <br />in-kind replacement with Marvin aluminum clad wood casement windows; COA #2008-0523A replace wood <br />casement windows with new Marvin aluminum clad wood casement windows; COA #2008-0304 replace garden <br />shed with new custom shed; RME #2007-0607A in-kind replacement of windows over garage with new Pella <br />casements; COA #2007-0607A in-kind replacement of windows over the garage; COA #2007-0307A replace <br />stockade fence with black ornamental aluminum fence; RME #2007-0307 in-kind replacement of yard light, <br />remove arborvitae and gingko trees, plant six trees in tree lawn; COA #1995-0626 in-kind replacement of windows <br />with new. <br /> <br />APPLICATION ITEMS: “Expansion of Half Timbered Tudor garage to accommodate 2nd floor ADA accessible <br />bedroom suite and new garage bay for ADA accessible transport van.” <br /> <br />“The owners of this historic Tudor home are proposing to expand an existing garage for an additional <br />garage bay that accommodates and ADA transport vehicle. AN expansion of the second story by <br />replicating the existing gable and dormer will accommodate an ADA bedroom suite with elevator access <br />from the first floor. All new windows on the second story will be traditional Marvin Wood Ultimate <br />double hung windows to match existing window configuration.” <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant has requested approval to: <br /> <br />1. Build an extension to the existing garage space of approximately 14’, to include: <br />a. Spatially: <br />i. One additional garage bay on the primary level. <br />ii. Expansion of the second story living space,