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Andy Videkovich, a planner with Area Plan, noted that Parcel I would be rezoned from "SF1" <br /> Single Family and Two Family District to "LB" Local Business District and that Parcel II would <br /> be rezoned from "SF1" Single Family and Two Family District to "MF2" High Density <br /> Multi-Family District. He noted that the site plan which will be presented today is different than <br /> the one presented to the Area Plan Commission He further reported that the Area Plan <br /> Commission sends the Bill to the Council with an unfavorable recommendation. <br /> Mr. Anthony Zappia, an attorney representing the petitioners, Bruno & Roasa Cataldo and <br /> Teresa M. Bova,made the presentation along with Michael J. Danch,President of Danch,Harper <br /> & Associates. They presented a one-page color Aerial view of the property in question along <br /> with four (4) site plans (copies attached). Mr. Zappia noted that approximately 31 acres are <br /> involved and that they are proposing in the 4th site plan additional buffering to the forty-one (41) <br /> residences. He noted that the property has been on the market as single family for 14 years <br /> without success. The Planning Staff and Mr. Robert Sante, Area Plan Executive Director, <br /> suggested the recommendations incorporated into the 3rd site plan, and the petitioners have <br /> taken their suggestions even further with more buffering as set forth in the 4th site plan. Mr. <br /> Zappia noted that the area has been stagnant for a long period of time. The developer would be <br /> required to extend water and sewer to the area., at a significant expense. Mr. Zappia noted that <br /> AEP has an easement on the western portion of the property line which runs 165' x 1,000'. The <br /> proposed development would be 430' from the residents property lines. <br /> Mr. Michael J. Danch noted that the first site plan included 32 acres of multi-family <br /> development. In light of the feedback from residents on Locust Road and the Area Plan staff <br /> they have adjusted the entrance way and "dropped the zoning down" so that there is less <br /> multi-family. The 4th site plan proposes that the multi-family component be dropped down by <br /> 11 acres. 41 lots meets the standards for SF1 and a buffer area would be provided. Since a state <br /> highway is involved IDOT will also be involved. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then opened the public hearing for people speaking in favor. There <br /> were none. The floor was then opened to persons wishing to speak in opposition. <br /> Phyllis Ranschaert of 2813 Locust spoke against the rezoning. She stated that she spoke to <br /> IDEM since a portion of the site had been used as a dumping site during the Studebaker years. <br /> She stated that Bruno has dumped on the site and that the residents are concerned about the <br /> excavation which would take place for the apartment complex. She noted that the area has a <br /> high water table; drainage problems and runoff problems. She stated that the new proposal only <br /> has two (2) retention basins while the original one had five (5); and that one of the proposed <br /> basins is proposed at the highest point. <br /> Mr. Zappia then passed out a one-page state from # 42033 entitled "Report of Open Dump <br /> Inspection" which concluded that they did not "see any solid waste violations" (copy attached). <br /> He stated that the allegations which inappropriate. <br /> Mr. Danch stated that there are drainage standards in place and that they will have to be met. <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />