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Following discussion, Council Member Rouse made a motion, seconded by Council Member <br /> Kirsits that Substitute Bill No.. 1-05 be recommended unfavorably to Council. The motion <br /> passed. <br /> Council Member.Kuspa then called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 6-05 which would <br /> amend Chapter 21, Article 4 of the South Bend Municipal Code to clarify and add uses in light <br /> industrial and general industrial districts. <br /> Andrew M. Videkovich, a planner with the Area Plan staff, noted that this bill is Area Plan <br /> initiated. It is a text amendment and addresses new uses which need to be included. It received <br /> a favorable recommendation from the Area Plan Commission. <br /> Council Member Rouse made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kirsits that Substitute <br /> Bill No. 6-05 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that the petitioner for Substitute Bill No. 8-05 has requested that it <br /> be continued until April 25,2005. Council Member Kirsits made a motion, seconded by Council <br /> Member Rouse that Substitute Bill No. 8-05 be continued until April 25th. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that the petitioner for Bill No. 5-19 has requested that it be <br /> continued until April 25, 2005. Council Member Rouse made a motion, seconded by Council <br /> Member Kirsits that Bill No. 5-19 be continued until April 25th. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then called for a presentation on Bill No. 05-25 (copy attached) which <br /> would approve a petition of the South Bend Board of Zoning Appeals for the property located at <br /> 4206 West Western Avenue. <br /> Building Commissioner Don Fozo noted that the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing <br /> on this bill on March 17, 2005 which would allow a drive-thru. There were only three (3) <br /> members present and it comes to the Council without recommendation. <br /> Bernie Feeney of Lang, Feeney and Associates, Inc., with offices located at 715 South Michigan <br /> Street in downtown South Bend made the presentation. He presented a site plan for the subject <br /> property (copy attached). He noted that the property has been a Dairy Queene for many years. <br /> Approval would permit a drive-thru of 4' by 12' on the northeast corner of the building. It <br /> would permit 5-car stacking per the standards. <br /> Council Member Kuspa stated this should have been proposed 20 years ago. <br /> No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br /> Council Member Kirsits stated that this would be a good improvement. He then made a motion, <br /> seconded by Council Member Rouse that Bill No. 05-25 be recommended favorably to Council. <br /> The motion passed. <br /> April 11,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 4- <br />