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Mr. Nemeth noted that Hope Rescue and the Homeless Shelter are rejecting these persons. <br /> Sharon Kendall noted that she just recently heard of this request. She stated that the downtown <br /> is a mix of urban, residential and retail; and noting that such an operation could present issues. <br /> Mr. Mullen stated that the building is current vacant. <br /> Council Member Pn7zello stated that the individuals are now in the downtown and going into <br /> restaurants. She stated that she sees the need for such services. <br /> Mr. Baxter noted that their would be volunteers at the Main Street Drop-In Center. <br /> Margaret Pfeil of 1126 West Washington stated that she is a Catholic Worker. Their operation is <br /> grounded in personalism, noting that persons grow stronger when they know people. She stated <br /> that their services are predicated on relationality and that they hope to disarm violence. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that there are many good services serving the needs in the former Ries building <br /> and at the Homeless Shelter and Hope Rescue Mission. If the operation is to be a drop-in center <br /> would such a facility make it too easy to take advantage of the system. Are there any assurances <br /> that they will not be in the downtown? <br /> Mr. Baxter stated that at any one time there may be 30-40 people. They are not a social service <br /> and would not be attracting persons from out of town. <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Rouse made a motion, seconded by Council Member <br /> Deiter that Bill No. 05-66 be sent to the Council without recommendation. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member White asked what it would take to address the concerns raised. <br /> Council President Pfeifer voiced concern about the people who are running it since they do not <br /> take responsibility for the people they serve. She stated that she wants the West Washington <br /> operations closed. She added that they do not respect what neighbors want and operate in <br /> violation of the city's zoning laws. <br /> Council Member Puzzello stated that she would like more information on the alleged illegal <br /> operations on West Washington which apparently have been running for over a year. <br /> Mr. Baxter stated that they got an earful when they went to the neighborhood meeting. They <br /> have cut back on the numbers at West Washington and are working with the City <br /> Administration. <br /> Council Member White stated that she would like clarity from the Legal Department on what has <br /> been done with regard to West Washington, since she sees them as separate projects. She stated <br /> that it appears that the legal issues are unresolved. <br /> Aladean DeRose, Chief Assistant City Attorney stated that Ann Carol Nash is out of town until <br /> June 20,2005. John Livingston is taking over for her. <br /> June 13,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 3- <br />