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Sharon Kendall, Executive Director of the Department of Community and Economic <br /> Development offered to call Mr. Fozo. When she returned she noted that she got his voice mail. <br /> She indicated that it was her understanding the Bill was a "clean up" matter with regard to <br /> terminology. <br /> Council Member Rouse noted that at an earlier Common Council meeting under the Privilege of <br /> the Floor portion, a citizen inquired about the political sign across the street on Lafayette. He <br /> stated that since some of the amendments address political signs that there should be a clear <br /> understanding of the reasons for the requested changes. <br /> Council Member White stated that more time is needed in order for the Administration to <br /> present their case for the numerous number of requested changes. She stated that there must be <br /> a clear understanding of the reasons for each. <br /> Dr. Varner stated that if the Council does not have proper information for these requests there <br /> would be an appearance that the "Council handed off their decision" to the Administration and <br /> the Area Plan Commission in this area. <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Rouse made a motion, seconded by Council Member <br /> Dieter that Substitute Bill No. 47-05 be continued until the November 28,2005 Council meeting. <br /> The motion passed. <br /> It was also requested that the Council Attorney contact Mr. Fozo and Mr. Leone and notify them <br /> of the Council's request for detailed information on each of the requested changes. <br /> There was no miscellaneous business. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then adjourned the meeting at 3:32 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> ��Iir�cf <br /> Council Member Ervin Kuspa, Chairperson <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> October 24,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -Page 3- <br />