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- <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The October 24, 2005 meeting of the Zoning and Annexation Committee was called to order by <br /> its Chairperson, Council Member Ervin Kuspa at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting <br /> Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Puzzello,Kuspa,Dieter,White,Varner,Kirsits <br /> and Rouse; Citizen Member Martha Lewis, Community and Economic Development Executive <br /> Director Sharon Kendall,Building,Larry Magliozzi,P.J. Thuringer,Bernie Feeney,Mrs. Kopola, <br /> City Clerk John Voorde, Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, <br /> Council Attorney. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that the Committee consists of Council Members Rouse, Dieter <br /> Kirsits and himself. He asked that persons wishing to testify before the Committee give their <br /> name and address for the record. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that the first item on the agenda was Substitute Bill No. 05-123 <br /> which would adopt a written fiscal plan and establish a policy for the provision of services to the <br /> Waggoner's Dairy Farm,Inc.,Phase II annexation area located in German Township. <br /> Larry Magliozzi of the Department of Community and Economic Development made the <br /> presentation. He noted that this is phase II of the Portage Prairie development. It is a voluntary <br /> annexation, noting that the first phase was for the land to the southside of Brick Road and that <br /> this phase is for the northside of Brick Road. <br /> There was no one to speak in favor or in opposition to the Bill from the public. <br /> Council Member White questioned how many acres would be involved, noting that the cover <br /> letter of September 19, 2005 (copy attached) lists 198 acres, while the proposed resolution lists <br /> 235.45 acres and 235.45 acres is listed in the Fiscal Plan"Exhibit A". <br /> Mr. Magliozzi stated that the 235.45 acreage amount is correct. <br /> The Council Attorney requested Mr. Magliozzi to file a corrected cover letter with the Office of <br /> the City Clerk so that there would be a proper paper trail on this matter. <br /> Council Member Puzzello requested that better maps be provided, noting that she has made this <br /> request in the past. <br /> P.J. Thuringer showed a larger map of the area under consideration and gave that copy to Mr. <br /> Voorde so that it could be maintained in the Office of the City Clerk. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that in the presentation it was noted that both public and private monies would <br /> be used for the development. He voiced concern that as proposed it would appear that "an <br /> endless stream of monies would be involved". He noted that the Council receives a monthly <br /> October 24,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -Page 1- <br />