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L i t <br /> South Bend Common Council Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> Minutes from Meeting of December 12, 2005 <br /> The December 12, 2005 meeting of the Common Council's Zoning and Annexation <br /> Committee was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Ery Kuspa, at 3:32 p.m. in the <br /> Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Kelly, Puzzello, Kuspa, Rouse, <br /> Kirsits and White. Among those also present were City Clerk John Voorde,Area Plan Director John <br /> Byorni, City Engineer Carl Littrell, City Community and Economic Director Sharon Kendall, <br /> Building Department Director Don Fozo, City Attorney Chuck Leone, Jamie Loo (South Bend <br /> Tribune), and Aladean M. DeRose substituting for Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br /> A quorum of the Committee existed with members Rouse,Kirsits and Kuspa present,joined <br /> at 3:43 p.m. by Council Member Dieter. <br /> A. Presentation on Bill No.47-05 Amending Various Sections of the Zoning <br /> Code, Chapter 21, Article 2 of the South Bend Municipal Code. <br /> The Committee Chair called for presentation of Substitute Bill No.47-05. Building Director <br /> Don Fozo deferred to City Attorney Chuck Leone for presentation of this Bill. Mr.Leone stated that <br /> most of the changes to the Zoning Code contained in Bill No. 47-05 were part of the ongoing <br /> clarification process after adoption of the new Zoning Code. The insertion in Bill 47-05 prohibiting <br /> parking in front yards had always been part of the prior Zoning Code and it was the intent of the new <br /> code drafters to retain that prohibition. However, in a decision issued by St. Joseph Circuit Court <br /> Judge Michael Gotsch in June, 2005, the new language of the Zoning Code was interpreted to <br /> contain no prohibition against parking in front setbacks. It was the Court decision that has triggered <br /> the Ordinance amendment. Mr. Leone emphasized that this is an important City wide restriction <br /> affecting quality of life throughout the City. He suggested that if exceptions are to be made for a <br /> specific neighborhood,that this be done at a later date because of the general desire and need for the <br /> restriction throughout the City. <br /> Mr. Fozo concurred with Attorney Leone and said that the Ordinance did not spell out a no <br /> parking in front setback restriction. However,it was not the intent of the new Zoning Code drafters <br /> to delete anything from the Ordinance. They just didn't spell it out specifically. Mr. Fozo <br /> emphasized that this Code amendment was nothing new or different from the past. <br /> Committee Chair Kuspa said that this is truly a quality of life issue throughout the City and <br /> that front lawns have occasionally looked like used car lots. Some homeowners have parked four <br /> to five cars on the front lawn along with motorcycles. Mr. Kuspa suggested that for Notre Dame <br /> weekends, it may be appropriate to make allowances. Mr. Kuspa then opened the discussion to <br /> members of the public who were present. <br /> Ms.Jane Avis of Wooded Estates read an email that she had recently sent to Council Member <br />